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Devarim HaNohagim BaSeudah 4 – Kabbalistic Concepts of Rosh Hashanah – Eretz Yisrael – “Back to Back” – Tikkun HaSheina – Repairing Sleep in Kislev – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Devarim HaNohagim BaSeudah 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 20.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Introduction to the connection between Rosh Hashanah and Eretz Yisrael.
05:20 – The Torah taught by great tzaddikim on Rosh Hashanah.
09:51 – In Shaar Hakavanos, the Arizal explains the kabbalistic concept of “back to back”. Adam and Chava were originally one being.
11:10 – When Zer Anpin (the sefiros of Chessed through Yisod) “sleeps” – lacks consciousness.
15:16 – Every mitzvah a person does increases their sechel – holy intelligence. Simply learning Torah is not enough. Study is done for the purpose of performing mitzvos.
17:26 – The Bnei Yissa’char brings that understanding the Torah correctly is a higher level than seeing Eliyahu HaNavi.
22:41 – Sheina (sleep – praying as if one has nothing) is the opposite of Mateh Oz – literally “staff of strength” – praying in the merit of one’s spiritual accomplishments.
23:22 – Slichos before Rosh Hashanah are pleas from a state of humility and poverty.
28:12 – QUESTION about why the word tzaddikim is in plural.
29:25 – QUESTION: what is daas Torah?
32:52 – RESPONSE to question about the Ches and the Hey that distinguish Chometz from Matzah.
34:34 – QUESTION about tefilos of the Yomim Noraim – “Days of Awe” – Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur.
36:21 – Vezeh bechinas sheina – “And this is an aspect of sleep”. In Shaar HaKavanos, the Arizal explains that when “sleep” is imposed on Zer Anpin, Binah distributes gevuros directly to Malchus, without needed to go through Zer Anpin. This enables Zer Anpin and Malchus to be separated, in order that Malchus can be built up.
43:56 – Knesses Yisrael is another term for Shekhina. Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal explained that Knesses Yisrael, Shekhina, and Klal Yisrael – are one.
46:02 – Reference to Pirkei Avos: if a person’s knowledge exceeds his deeds, his knowledge will not last.
*46:46 – Reference to Yakara deShabata by Reb Nachman Tcherin zal. He relates the story from Sipurey Masiyos of The Master of Prayer; kovod (honor) actually is a foundation of the world, but it’s honor for HaShem.
50:13 – QUESTION about the statement “veTalmud Torah C’neged Kulam.”
53:26 – Introduction to PARAGRAPH 4.
***54:03 – NOTE: The Bnei Yissa’char (based on Sefer Yetzirah 5:9) brings that the month of Kislev is a favorable time to rectify sleep. Suggestions for practical ways to do this.
54:46 – BRIEF OVERVIEW of entire shiur.
57:40 – QUESTION about Akeidas Yitzchak.
58:55 – QUESTION about chiddushei Torah – innovations.
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