Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear mother Bernice bas Avraham ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 12th of Shevat.

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Healthy Parenting/ חנוך ילדים

2024-10-13 – Healthy Parenting – Part – Alim Letrufah – The Importance of Teaching a Child to Write – Emphasize Learning Torah, Saying Tehillim, and Hisbodedus – Encourage a Child to Live Simply – Sefer Kokhveh Ohr

Healthy Parenting – Alim Letrufah -The Importance of Teaching a Child to Write – Emphasis on Learning Torah, Saying Tehillim, and Hisbodedus – Encouraging a Child to Live Simply – Sefer Kokhvey Ohr – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – This shiur is based on letters written by Rav Nosson of Nemirov zal to his family members and later published in a series of seforim called Alim LeTrufah.
12:00 – In difficult times, it’s important to just cling to life and wait for better times.
13:00 – A letter from Rav Nosson of Nemirov zal to his son advising him to borrow a hat so he can go to shul on Shabbos.
19:00 – Encouragement in Elul for the approach of Rosh Hashanah.
23:00 – Q&R about Rav Nosson’s father-in-law.
26:00 – Alim Letrufa Letter 446 – Parshas Vayechi, written by Rav Nosson zal from Uman to his son Yitzchak zal. Advice to renew his thoughts in a positive way and not to dwell in a place of negativity. He compares negative thinking to chometz and refers to Likutey Moharan 5.
34:45 – This portion of the shiur is from the sefer Kokhveh Ohr. Any child who’s brought to him before the age of 7 will be protected from Pegam HaBris during his childhood.
37:50 – Account of how Rebbe Nachman rescued a Jewish girl who had been kidnapped by a priest (Kokhvey Ohr, Anshei Moharan).
47:00 – Rav Nosson zal’s wife suffered a number of miscarriages and for the first 7 years of their marriage, they had no children. Rebbe Nachman advised them to prepare six chairs, and B”H the couple eventually had five sons and a daughter.
49:00 – Story about Rebbe Nachman’s daughter Udel preparing 2 kneidlach for her father.
50:00 – Rebbe Nachman had four surviving daughters. A mnemonic for remembering their names: “ESMaCH”Roshei Teyvos Udel, Sarah, Miriam, Chaya.
57:00 – Closing blessings.
58:00 – Q&R about who Rebbe Nachman’s teachers were after his Bar Mitzvah.
59:00 – Q&R about the term “Daas Rabbeinu”.

To dedicate this shiur, click HERE.