Healthy Parenting – Bringing a Child to the Kever of Rebbe Nachman Before the Age of 7 – We Can Speak to the Tzaddik’s Neshama But We Pray Only to HaShem – Parshas Vayechi – Vidui in the Presence of a Tzaddik – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – The Breslov custom of bringing a child to the Tziyun of Rebbe Nachman before the age of 7. [See note about procedure at 40:00 below].
10:00 – When visiting the graves of relatives in a cemetery, Rebbe Nachman advises taking out a coin or currency bill of tzedakah and quietly announced (a whisper is sufficient) that the money will be given as tzedakah on behalf of any neshama who will call the neshama being summed. (The relative’s full Hebrew name is said.) However, when a tzaddik passes away, he’s always present. It’s as if he’s only in the next room. He can hear us even without that procedure, and always ready to ask HaShem to help us.
13:00 – Q&R about how a kohen can visit a Beis Kevuros.
***15:00 – When visiting the gravesite of Rebbe Nachman, we tell him what’s going on, but we don’t pray to him. We address our tefilah to HaShem, to help us in the merit of the tzaddik. Or we ask the tzaddik to pray on our behalf.
20:00 – Neshamos of those who pass away are able to pray on our behalf.
22:00 – Munkatcher Rebbe – Chapter 68. It’s good to visit the kever of a tzaddik and ask him to intercede on our behalf. This is also brought in Taanis.
24:00 – The custom of writing a kvitel and placing it by a gravesite.
30:00 – The souls of all the tzaddikim are present at the Kosel.
31:00 – Q&R about writing a kvitel. The Breslov custom is that it’s preferable to speak. Or, if a person can’t travel, to write a kvitel and ask someone to say it at the kever.
*32:00 – Sichos HaRan 209. All of Rebbe Nachman’s conversations and teachings were meant not only for his students, but for future generations.
33:00 – Parshas VaYechi – Ephraim and Menashe as Yaakov Avinu’s own children. When a student is close with his rebbe, the blessings of the rebbe extend to the children and students of that student.
34:00 – Vidui in the presence of a tzaddik.
36:00 – Giving tzedakah to the tzaddik includes publishing his writings.
37:00 – The kever of Moshe Rabbeinu is mul Baal Peor. Reference to Likutey Moharan 4.
40:00 – Procedure of bringing a young child to the kever of Rebbe Nachman. The importance of preparing a nice gift for him as a reward for saying as much of Tikkun HaKlali as he is able.
44:00 – Aliya is preceded by yerida. Reference to Likutey Halakhos, Choshen Mishpat, Hilkhos Matana 5:21.
46:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 215 – the main work of a tzaddik is to bring people who are distant from HaShem closer to Him.
48:00 – Q&R about Tikkun Chatzos.
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