Geviyas Chov MeyhaLakochos 5 – Hilkhos Oreyv – Humility Enables a Person to Receive Torah – Siyag LeTorah – Elixer of Life – When Not To Judge leChaf Zchus – Kavana in Tefilah Prevents Debt – Avoid Being Guarantor for a Loan – Tzaddik Emes as Lender – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Geviyas Chov MeyhaLakoshos 5 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 1.
05:00 – PARAGRAPH 22.
10:17 – Arrogance is the main thing that keeps a person from receiving the Torah. Siyag LeTorah is necessary to distance those who deserve to be kept at a distance.
15:00 – Story about Rabbi Rosenfeld zal.
16:00 – Q&R about visiting kivrei tzaddikim. Example: visiting the kever of Nasan HaNavi. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE about Reb Michel Dorfman zal. Going to Kever Nasan HaNavi to complete things.
19:40 – PARAGRAPH 23. HILKHOS OREYV. Avoid being guarantor for a loan.
25:00 – Prayer to Hashem is empowered via the Tzaddik Emes, the “great lender”. Prayer is repayment for being lent all our blessings and life energy.
***26:00 – Praying without kavana causes debt. One of the most powerful ways to remove debt is improving tefilah.
38:00 – PARAGRAPH 24.
41:00 – PARAGRAPH 25.
46:00 – All the souls of the generation are rooted in the Tzaddik Emes and receive blessing through his merit.
***47:00 – NOTE: when a father lends to a son, if the son defaults, the father covers the debt. Likewise the Tzaddik is constantly giving and giving, covering the spiritual debts of the generation.
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