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Rabbi Yechiel Michel Dorfman zal – Biography – History of Uman – Part 2 – Speaker: Rabbi Yechiel Michel Dorfman zal. (Yiddish. Recorded about 1999, in Jerusalem.)
***04:00 – The exact words of Rav Moshe Feinstein zal were:
איר זאלט אוספירן דער רצון פון צדיק
“You should do what the Tzaddik wants.”
*04:40 – The heartfelt tefilos of Reb Michel – he decides to contact Rav Aryeh Kaplan zal.
05:50 – Rav Aryeh Kaplan zal writes a letter describing Rebbe Nachman as cultural figure studied in univerisities. He shows Reb Michel and Rav Nasan what’s written in the Encyclopedia Judaica about Rebbe Nachman.
07:15 – Reb Michel and Rav Nasan bring the letter to Rabbi Pinchas Teitz.
07:43 – Robert Lipshutz presents the letter to President Carter.
08:24 – “In Kremlin it’s written that in Uman there is a gravesite of a person who is renown in all the world, and that gravesite should never be disturbed.”
*09:26 – From the entire SALT conference the only thing that resulted was the protection of Rebbe Nachman’s tziyun.
10:00 – Rivka Imeinu.
10:36 – Cassette is turned.
11:00 – There are many stories here. Every step…
11:30 – A few days later Carter fired a number of his advisors, and one of them was Robert Lipshutz.
12:40 – There were 250 people in Uman.
*13:00 – Rav Shimon Shapiro got out of his wheelchair and joined the dance that lasted 18 minutes.
15:00 – The year 250 people traveled to Uman for Rosh Hashanah was the year communism collapsed in Russia. Why?
*16:00 – Moshe Rabbeinu protects Am Yisrael with the location of his gravesite. Similarly, the gravesite of Rebbe Nachman protects Am Yisrael.
18:00 – All sorts of people came to Uman for Rosh Hashanah, from 28 countries all over the world.
18:40 – Closing blessings. One thing especially to remember:
20:00 – People go traveling to see beautiful scenery, but traveling to the Rebbe is worth much more – it transforms a person’s life and brings light to the eyes.
21:00 – No other tzaddik …
*21:20 – Rav Zonnenfeld zal said about the mikveh: “If a goy learns Torah and keeps all the mitzvos, he’s still a goy. But if he goes to the mikveh, he can become a Jew. If that’s what mikveh does for a goy, imagine what mikveh does for a Jew!”
23:30 – Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zal.
*24:50 – The body is a precious vessel.
25:00 – Chizuk for tefilah and hisbodedus.
26:30 – Tzaddik haDor…
27:50 – The shtibel of Reb Zanvil.
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