Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-17-Purim/ הלכות פורים

2020-08-12 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 5 – Para. 6-9 – Good Eye vs. Evil Eye; Clothing and Tzitzis; Kiddush Heals Vision; The Modesty of Esther HaMalka

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Dedication for two yahrzeits commemorated on the date the shiur was recorded, the 22nd of Av: Reb Moshe B’Reb Menachem ע”ה and Reb Yisrael Abba B’Reb Yehudah ז”ל (father of Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל). Biographical sketch of Rabbi Yisrael Abba Rosenfeld, scion of Breslov chassidim and founder of the first Breslov study group in the United States.
02:49 – Introduction. This halakha is based on Likutey Moharan 55, where we learn to give Hashem the benefit of the doubt during the time we see enemies of Israel that seem to be successful.
04:05 – PARAGRAPH 6. Why, before their sin, Adam HaRishon and Chava didn’t need to wear clothing.
16:23 – PARAGRAPH 7. The mitzvah of wearing tzitzis protects a person from any the damage caused by ra ayin (evil eye).
20:30 – The mitzvah of dressing modestly also protects a person from ra ayin.
21:59 – NOTE: wearing tzitzis at night?
22:17 – Why do women not wear tzitzis?
23:15 – PARAGRAPH 8. The main focus of ra ayin is adultery.
28:21 – How the mitzvah of tznius (modest dress and behavior) is the antidote for ra ayin.
31:20 – Heard from Rabbi Rosenfeld: “Vashti” begematria (716) is twice “nachash” – serpent (358).
32:23 – Shabbos is an aspect of tov ayin. How kiddush heals eyesight on Shabbos.
34:16 – The holiest union between husband and wife is on Shabbos.
36:28 – QUESTION about the 70 nations.
40:08 – Explanation heard from Rabbi Rosenfeld about how vision is repaired through Kiddush on Shabbos. This is accomplished by looking briefly at the wine briefly before saying the blessing “borey pri hagefen”.
*43:34 – PARAGRAPH 9. The extraordinary modesty of Esther HaMalka helped Am Yisrael defeat the power of ra ayin. She was a descendant of Rochel Imeynu through Binyamin and Shaul HaMelech. The main defeat of ra ayin is accomplished through the power of Eretz Yisrael.
46:37 – QUESTION about the practical applications of the material covered in today’s shiur.
48:24 – QUESTION about the practical application of avoiding positions of honor (Likutey Moharan 54).

This shiur is dedicated by Chaim Spilman l’iluy nishmat his dear brother Moshe ben Menachem ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 22nd of Av.