Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Breslov Topics

Pictured above is the “Alta Heim” that sheltered all who came to pray at the gravesite of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov from shortly after his passing until its destruction during World War 2.

Quick inspiration from Breslov chassidus about…

ASHREY – this Hebrew word for “fortunate” or “accomplished” appears in Sefer Tehillim 22 times – why? When we say the familiar verses of Dovid HaMelech three times a day, what does this establish?

BEIS HAMIKDASH – Jerusalem’s once and future temple will be a house of prayer for all nations and will stand forever because it’s being built from our tefilos (prayers).

BLESSINGS Saying, hearing, and answering “omen” to brochos (blessings) on food nourishes the soul and strengthens physical health, too. Why are there no blessings to say after enjoying fragrance as there are after enjoying food?

BRIS MILAH  – What are the deeper meanings of the mitzvah of Bris Milah (circumcision)? How does Tikkun haBris (moral restraint) empower and protect the individual and the community?

BUSINESS – The kabbalah of fair trade is based on some of the deepest secrets in the Torah. Success in business is a result of honesty and faith in Hashem.

CASH FLOW is increased through netilas yadayim (washing hands before eating bread).

CHARITYTzadakah: how does it empower the one who gives?

CHILDREN – What is naches? Praying for that first child and raising children to care. Should young children be brought to shul (synagogue)?

DEPRESSION – Feeling emotionally or spiritually paralyzed is a form of sleep. Rebbe Nachman’s advice for waking up from despair. Praying when you feel down.

ERETZ YISRAEL – Developing our appreciation of and spiritual connection to the Holy Land of Israel – past, present, and future.

EDUCATION – The importance of limud Torah, as an individual and as family.

FAITH – Nurturing emunah (Jewish faith) even through times of adversity. Believing that even the slightest thought, word, or act of returning to HaShem has tremendous significance.

FOOD FOR THE SOUL – Enjoying the spiritual aspects of eating and drinking in a kosher, self-respecting way.

HEALTH – Understanding and coping with illness. Breslov chassidus brings resources on how to value and care for physical and emotional well-being. When a person is ill, why do we use the mother’s name when praying for their recovery?

HOLIDAYS – Timely lectures about the upcoming yomim tovim.

HOLY PLACES – Information about how to visit Kivrei Tzadikim, including maps and a photo gallery.

JOY – Converting temporary celebrations into simcha (lasting happiness). Rebbe Nachman taught practical techniques for weathering challenges with calm, clear serenity.

KASHRUS – Guidelines for tevilas keilim (mikveh immersion of cooking and dining utensils).

KAVANA (Intent) in Prayer. Dealing with the reality of wavering concentration. How is it that a tzaddik‘s prayer can be more powerful than that of even many people?

MARRIAGE – Secrets for maintaining peace and prosperity in the home. The relationship between husband and wife needs tending. Rabbi Rosenfeld z”l explores: why is the path to marriage so difficult?

MAZAL – What is it? How can we change it?

MIDOS – Perfection is a heavenly, not a human attribute. Self mastery can be achieved with the help of chassidic techniques of bitul (temporary suspension of self) and rotzo v’shov (“running and returning”). Developing courage through greater self-knowledge and compassion.

MITZVOS – Making a mitzvah beautiful – why and how?

MODESTYTzniyus (restraint in speech, behavior, and clothing) brings blessing to the individual and protection to the People of Israel.

MONEY – What promotes parnassa (income) and facilitates sustainable cash-flow for shalom bayis?  Working and learning Torah – achieving a balance.

MOURNINGHalachos and minhagim (laws and customs) of loss; the deeper meanings of shiva, aveylus, and yahrzeits. The deep meaning of saying Kaddish for a parent.

MUSIC – Even humming a tune quietly can refresh your soul. Hold onto the invincible power of song. Rav Nossan of Nemirov advised his students to “Dance every day.” Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld singing the Rebbe’s Nigun, according to the traditional cadence received from his teacher, the leading Breslov elder of his previous generation, Rabbi Avraham Sternhartz zal.

PAIN – What purpose does it serve? How can it be dealt with on a spiritual level? Transforming the stress of emotional or physical suffering into positive energy toward recovery with Hashem’s help.

PARANORMAL – Demons? Ghosts? Monsters? Extraterrestrials? They’re all mentioned in the Talmud and some are even described in detail. Fasten your seat belts.

PATIENCEArichas Apayim is acquired through humility, the key to all character refinement. Breathing deeply and holding silent when anger flares up enable a person to think clearly before speaking or taking action.

PRAYER – The role of the tzaddikim in the generation. Achieving power and concentration during tefilah and speaking to Hashem in your own words (hisbodedus). Praying when you feel down.

RABBI – Why it’s important to give the name of someone who is ill to one’s rabbi for tefilah. Finding the best Torah mentor for who you are. Emunas chochomim (faith in one’s Rabbi) is the secret to spiritual success.

ROSH CHODESH – The deeper meanings of the months of the lunar calendar, month by month.

SELF-ESTEEM – Confidence in yourself and true humility are really the same thing. Appreciating and activating your infinite potential is a crucial element in emunah (faith).

SHABBOS – Making this week’s Shabbos the best ever. When do we receive our Neshoma Yiseyra (Additional Shabbos Soul)?

SHALOM BAYIS – A peaceful home depends on understanding the deeper aspects of the relationship between husband and wife.

SOUL MATE – Finding and appreciating your zivug (marriage partner). How to retain those special feelings of connection through life’s challenges.

SPEECH – How it affects our soul and our world. How Viduy (confession) releases impurities that limit us.

TEHILLIM helps a person return to Hashem and His Torah.

TIKKUN HABRIS Is Tikkun Cheyt Adam HaRishon and Chava.

TIKKUN HABRIS – an overview through Jewish history – achieving tikkun habris through following the advice of the tzaddik.

TIKKUN HAKLALI – The 10 Psalms revealed by Rebbe Nachman as the “General Remedy” for spiritual recovery. (Tehillim/Psalms 16, 32, 41, 42, 59, 77, 90, 105, 137, and 150.)

TODAY – Free yourself from dwelling on past or future and make the most of the present.

TORAH STUDY – Rebbe Nachman’s advice is to study consistently and quickly. He encourages that a little bit every day is infinitely better than nothing.

TZITZIS – Why are they a young boy’s first mitzvah?

UMAN – Its meaning in Breslov chassidus, history, and current events.

WILL POWER – Getting free of an addiction? Losing weight? Determined to stay within your budget? Tap into your reservoirs of spiritual strength for results that last.

If YIDDISH speaks to your heart, we hope you enjoy a new series by Reb Yechiel Michel Dorfman z”l on the Stories of Rebbe Nachman.

YIRAS HaSHEM – respect for HaShem – is the foundation of all Torah wisdom and practice.