Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


Elul – Secret of the Geulah and Uman Rosh Hashanah

Elul – Secret of the Geulah and Uman Rosh Hashanah

Uman Rosh Hashanah – The Gravesite of a Tzaddik Is an Aspect of Eretz Yisrael

Uman Rosh Hashanah – The Gravesite of a Tzaddik Is an Aspect of Eretz Yisrael

Bamidbar – Every Person Counts

Bamidbar – Every Person Counts

Rosh Chodesh – Secret of Renewal

Rosh Chodesh – Secret of Renewal

Bo – Miracles vs. Magic – Ani veLo Malach (Video)

Bo – Miracles vs. Magic – Ani veLo Malach (Video)

Golani Brigade – Tefilah Before Entering Combat in Gaza – Cheshvan 5784 (2023-10)

Golani Brigade – Tefilah Before Entering Combat in Gaza – Cheshvan 5784 (2023-10)

Unity Through Prayer and Teshuva

Unity Through Prayer and Teshuva

Introduction to the Sipurey Maasios – Stories of Rebbe Nachman (Yiddish with English Captions)

Introduction to the Sipurey Maasios – Stories of Rebbe Nachman (Yiddish with English Captions)

Rabbi Moshe b’R Chaim Yehuda Sherer zl – 1921 – 21st Iyar 1998

Rabbi Moshe b’R Chaim Yehuda Sherer zl – 1921 – 21st Iyar 1998

LaG BeOmer – The Torah Will Never Be Forgotten (Captions)

LaG BeOmer – The Torah Will Never Be Forgotten (Captions)

Yisro – Joy – A Crowning Achievement

Yisro – Joy – A Crowning Achievement

Shemos – SHOVaVIM – Exile’s End (Video)

Shemos – SHOVaVIM – Exile’s End (Video)

Vayera 5783 – Truth and the Real Truth (Text Slides)

Vayera 5783 – Truth and the Real Truth (Text Slides)

Bereishis – The Hidden Creation of Water (Text Slides)

Bereishis – The Hidden Creation of Water (Text Slides)

Vayelech – The Torah Will Never Be Forgotten (Text Slides)

Vayelech – The Torah Will Never Be Forgotten (Text Slides)

2022-09-23 – Erev Shabbos Update from Uman

2022-09-23 – Erev Shabbos Update from Uman

Uman Rosh Hashanah Is For the Whole Family (Slide) – Breslov Basics 38

Uman Rosh Hashanah Is For the Whole Family (Slide) – Breslov Basics 38

Finding Your Inner Fire – Breslov Basics 37 (Text Video)

Finding Your Inner Fire – Breslov Basics 37 (Text Video)

Finding Your Inner Fire (Text Video, Entire Shiur)

Finding Your Inner Fire (Text Video, Entire Shiur)

Matos – Mikveh – Returning to the Source

Matos – Mikveh – Returning to the Source