Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Our Mission

Every day, more and more people from all walks of life are turning to the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov for inspiration and practical guidance to aid their spiritual growth and fulfillment.

Breslov Torah’s MISSION is to make the treasury of Rebbe Nachman’s wisdom accessible to all and help apply it to our daily lives. We aim to enrich Jewish communities and individuals with inspirational and transformative EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES as well as to provide SOCIAL SERVICES to families and people in need.

About Us

Breslov Torah is led by Rabbi Nasan Maimon who is internationally recognized as a dynamic teacher, compassionate listener, and experienced counselor who provides well-grounded applications of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings to contemporary life.

Rabbi Nasan Maimon provides education and counseling to English speaking communities worldwide. His classes as well as the teachings of his Rabbi and mentor, Rabbi Tzvi Areyh Rosenfeld z”l are disseminated via our website

Our Website

The website houses the internet’s largest searchable database in the teachings of Rebbi Nachman and serves as a reliable source for English speakers seeking to connect with Breslov chassidus. Its media library contains over 4000 authoritative, text-based shiurim (Torah lectures) and serves as a worldwide hub for a vital, expanding community of students and their families.

Breslov Kollels

In addition to servicing Anglo-communities, Breslov Torah maintains several traditional Breslov kollels (study groups) which house over 100 scholars. These kollels are an integral part of developing future Breslov teachers and leaders as well as sustaining the link/messorah between the original chassidim of Rebbe Nachman and the aspiring students of today. Ohr haNe’elam is a full-time kollel founded by Rabbi Rosenfeld and expanded by Rabbi Michel Dorfman and is situated in the Breslov Shul of Meah Shearim, Jerusalem. Kollel Chatzos shel Breslov baKosel is a pre-dawn kollel at the Western Wall and offers donors the opportunity to dedicate Torah study and request special prayers at this most auspicious time and location. Breslov Torah also promotes Rebbe Nachman’s integral practice of hitbodedut (secluded personal prayer and meditation) by sponsoring a nightly bus shuttle providing free transportation from the Breslov Shul to the peaceful fields of Jerusalem.

Assisting Those in Need

In tandem with our educational mission, Breslov Torah is also dedicated to assisting individuals and families in need. Rabbi Nasan Maimon is often approached by many sincere people who cannot supply their families with even the most basic requirements such as food, shelter and clothing. In addition, while some struggling families manage to get by with the most minimum of needs, they are desperate for assistance when it comes to organizing special occasions such as weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. As such, Rabbi Nasan Maimon distributes life-saving tzedakah and serves as a vital link between those with the ability to give and those in need.

Future Goals

  • To open a Breslov Torah Center for the Anglo-sector where students can attend live shiurim and get practical guidance towards the application of Breslov chassidus into their personal lives. This location will also host special programs and will serve as a community center where students connect with rabbis and each other. Shiurim will be given by Rabbi Maimon and several other rabbis. This center will also function as a training ground to support developing the next generation of Breslov leaders and teachers.
  • To expand the functionality of our website by indexing all of its shiurim. This will increase the site’s “searchability” and make the shiurim more valuable as learning and research resources.
  • To expand the kollel programs. Currently there are about 100 scholars in this program and there is a waiting list to join.
  • To build a hospitality center in Uman to serve the Breslov Torah community. The center will accommodate people with lodging, meals, and a shul/beit midrash for shiurim.