Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Live Shiur Archive/ תורה בחבורה

2020-01-19 – Likutey Moharan 253 – 254 – 255 – 256 – 257 – 258 – 259 – How Much Sleep? How Much Food?

Likutey Moharan 253 – 254 – 255 – 256 – 257 – 258 – 259 – How Much Sleep? How Much Food? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

00:00 – This shiur is dedicated l’ilui nishmas (for the elevation of the soul of) Devora bas Reb Zvi Fox a”h and Toibe Yittel a”h.
01:41 – TORAH 253. How much sleep helps a person regulate their desires and protect their brain?
03:21 – Note from Rabbi Rosenfeld z”l about how much sleep a person needs.
08:32 – TORAH 254. The spiritual aspect of vision.
16:28 – TORAH 255. Emunah and Daas correspond to the moon and the sun.
20:15 – TORAH 256.
22:58 – Rabbi Menachem Mendel of Vitebsk zal.
29:40 – Ki savo becherem reyecha“When you enter the vineyard of your neighbor…”
35:43 – Introduction to Torah 257 – the story of the plums.
39:01 – TORAH 257. How overeating harms the body and soul.
45:53 – VeZeh veAchalta keNafshecha – eating for spiritual benefit.
47:55 – TORAH 258.
50:00 – TORAH 259.
53:40 – Closing remarks about the 22nd of Teves – R’ Nasan’s birthday blessing.

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