Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-17-Purim/ הלכות פורים

2020-08-09 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 4 – Para. 2-4 – Why the Celebration of Purim Will Continue Even After Moshiach is Revealed – Why the Other Holidays Will Be Diminished

Purim 4 – – Why the Celebration of Purim Will Continue Even After Moshiach is Revealed – Why the Other Holidays Will Be Diminished – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Purim 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 33.
00:00 – PARAGRAP H 2. The evil plan of Haman in his attempt to destroy Am Yisrael (the People of Israel).
10:53 – Even if a person falls to a very low level, there’s always hope that he can return to HaShem.
16:06 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 33: “Mi ha-ish ha-choeftz chaim…”.
19:55 – HaShem prepares the remedy before He sends the illness.
*24:53 – The sutra achra (force of evil) receives its energy from the fact that HaShem is hidden. When a tzaddik reveals HaShem’s Presence, the sutra achra is diminished.
26:33 – Purim is unique among all the Jewish holidays because it will be celebrated forever.
*29:28 – Why the celebration of Purim will continue even after Moshiach is revealed and the other holidays fall away. The concept of yomim tovim – “good days”.
33:20 – Conclusion and summary of why Purim will continue.
35:56 – QUESTION about how the confrontation between Moshe Rabbeinu and Pharaoh compares to that of Mordechai HaTzaddik and Haman HaRasha.
*37:53 – QUESTION about the interaction between the Tzaddik and Am Yisrael to bring the geulah (redemption). Why Moshe Rabbeinu is told “lech, reyd” (“go down”) (Shemos/Exodus 32:7).
41:09 – The word “GaM” is the secret of all redemption (Zohar HaKodesh).
43:00 – The Tzaddik and Am Yisrael can be compared to a light and a vessel.
43:28 – PARAGRAPH 3. Shalach Manos – giving and receiving portions of food on Purim.
*46:37 – Matanos l’Evyonim – the charity we give to poor people on Purim reveals the Kingdom of Hashem through the ohr haganuz (the Hidden Light).
49:36 – PARAGRAPH 4. The revelation of Torah depends on the defeat of Amalek.
56:00 – Why the Name of HaShem is not written in an open way in Megillas Esther. Why we read Parshas Parah directly after Purim.

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