Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-17-Purim/ הלכות פורים

2020-08-14 – LH3 – OC3 – Purim 5 – Para. 15-21 – Tov Ayin – Shalach Manos – Charity and Festive Meal on Purim – Parshas Parah

Purim 5 – Tov Ayin – Shalach Manos – Charity and Festive Meal on Purim – Parshas Parah – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Purim 5 is based on Likutey Moharan 55.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 15.
02:39 – PARAGRAPH 16. Shalach manos – giving portions of food to neighbors and friends on Purim.
04:18 – NOTE about Parshas Re’Eh.
05:04 – NOTE from Rabbi Rosenfeld zal about giving tzedakah (charity). The importance of giving charity in a way that shows respect for the recipient. “Tefilah l’oni” – the prayer of a poor person is most powerful.
*11:27 – PARAGRAPH 17. The festive meal of Purim.
15:08 – NOTE on the importance of eating all three meals properly on Shabbos, especially Seudas Shlishi – the third meal on Shabbos.
17:54 – QUESTION about when receiving something can be a way of giving.
19:50 – NOTE: “This Shabbos is Shabbos mevorchin Elul…”
22:35 – PARAGRAPH 18.
27:10 – PARAGRAPH 19. The mitzvah of Sukkah protects against Amalek. Klal Yisrael gives 70 sacrifices on Sukkos corresponding to the 70 nations. These sacrifices serve to protect Israel.
33:05 – PARAGRAPH 20. Mayim Achronim – washing hands after a meal.
*36:26 – PARAGRAPH 21. Parshas Parah. The miraculous events of Purim were all leading up to an eventual return to Eretz Yisrael.
41:14 – QUESTION about Shalach Manos being an aspect of tov ayin. RESPONSE includes a dvar Torah from Rav Shimshon Ostropolia zal.
42:43 – Anecdote about when R’ Nasan Maimon first met Rabbi Rosenfeld z”l.
44:28 – QUESTION about eating seudas shlishi at home with one’s family vs. in shul.
47:46 – QUESTION about Mayimm Achronim.
49:40 – QUESTION about ketores (incense offering).

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