Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH4-17-MaAchaley Akum

2022-06-01 – LH4 – YD1 – Maachaley Akum 2 – Para. 7-9 – Nature is Elokim – Teshuvah – Az Yashir – Song of the Future (Entire Shiur)

Maachalaey Akum 2 – Nature is Elokim Teshuvah – Az Yashir – Song of the Future – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. This Halakha is based on 2Likutey Moharan 8. Yayin Nesech, Kol, Akdamos.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 7. The prohibition of drinking the wine of a non-Jew – yayin nesech. Tochecha (holy rebuke) can sweeten a harsh judgment at its root. “Song is only said with wine” (Brochos 35).
11:00 – Wine is associated with song and the elevation of how the voice is used.
13:27 – “Az Yashir Moshe uVenei Yisrael” (Shemos).
17:50 – QUESTION and RESPONSE about the practical application of the issur of yayin nesech.
19:20 – PARAGRAPH 8. The prohibition of drinking the wine of a non-Jew – yayin nesech.
25:00 – Note about the Name of Hashem and the four tzaddikim of the Kisey HaKavod.
34:54 – QUESTION and RESPONSE: Is Shavuos an aspect of Yitzchak Avinu and Olam Habah?
36:54 – PARAGRAPH 9.
*39:08 – The Arizal states that haTeva (nature) is begematria Elokim. “There is no such thing as nature”.
All of creation is an interdependent network. Constellations are related to people, because every person has the ability for tikkun (spiritual repair). The individual therefore has the power to bring a great light to all worlds, or the opposite.
42:16 – The Torah was given over to the hands of man. The account of Rabbi Eliezer eliciting the endorsement of Heaven that his ruling was correct. Rabbi Joshua then said: “‘The Torah is not in heaven!’ … We take no notice of heavenly voices, since You, Hashem, told us at Sinai that ruling in the Torah ‘follows the majority.’ ” (Bava Metzia 59a–b).
*43:10 – Teshuvah was established before the creation of the world. Shabbos is an aspect of Teshuvah. In the future, all will be miracles.
47:34 – The activation of the Song of the Future. Through holy song, our sins are forgiven.

*49:09 – The Akdamos sung on Shavuos was composed by Rabbi Meir bar Yitzchak (Nehorai) of Orléans, a baal tefilah in Germany, who died about 1095 BCE.
*51:14 – QUESTION and RESPONSE on the connection between Shem Mem Beis, sweetening harsh judgments at their root, and praying with a nigun (melody).

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