Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-03-Kibud Av vaAym

2023-03-30 – LH5 – YD2 – Kibud Av vaAym 2 – Para. 10-11 – Pesach – Mochin Shel Eretz Yisrael – Ohr Chochma on Seder Night – Sefiras HaOmer

Kibud Av vaAym 2 – Para. 10-11 – Pesach – Mochin Shel Eretz Yisrael – Ohr Chochma on Seder Night – Sefiras HaOmer – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Kibud Av vaAym 2 is based on Likutey Moharan II – 17.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 10.
25:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. Mochin – Consciousness – Shel Eretz Yisrael – Ohr Chochma on Seder Night – Sefiras HaOmer.
38:00 – Q&R about the exceptional Ohr Chochma on Seder night.
40:00 – The Torah emanates from Noam HaElyon.
42:00 – Q&R – How can one benefit spiritually from the Omer offering when today we no longer actually bring that offering? Through observing the Mitzvah of counting the Omer.
48:00 – Seferas HaOmer repairs and purifies the Mochin Shel Chutz L’Aretz.
51:00 – Q&R about Torah and Mitzvos being an aspect of Tzedakah. Reference to Yeshaya 46. Tzedek also means righteousness, which is the essence of Torah.

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