Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-06-04 – LH5 – YD2 – Milah 2 – Para. 10-12 – 248 Words in Kriyas Shema – Milah 3 – Para. 1 – Torah HaNeElemes – The Treasury of Free Gifts – Why the Torah Was Given After 26 Generations

Milah 2 – Milah 3 – 248 Words in Kriyas ShemaTorah HaNeElemes – The Treasury of Free Gifts – Why the Torah Was Given After 26 Generations – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 10.
13:00 – NOTE from Rabbi Chaim Rosen, son of Rav Eliyah Chaim Rosen ז”ל, about the word אמת after Kriyas Shema. The 248 words in Kriyas Shema correspond to the 248 limbs of the body. However, in the verses themselves, there are only 245 words, so the words Keyl Melech NeEman are added when necessary. These 248 words enliven each part of the body as they are spoken aloud. Emes is called the “Elixir of Life.” [15 x 6 – the letter Vuv is repeated 15 times at the end of Yistabach . Three times Yud – Key – Vuv – Key].
17:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. The Mitzvah of Bris Milah on Shabbos. Reference to Likutey Moharan 49. The Bris Milah reveals the Malkhus of Hashem.
30:00 – PARAGRAPH 12.
35:00 – HALAKHA 3. INTRODUCTION. Likutey Moharan II:78.
36:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Torah HaNeElemes – The Treasury of Free Gifts – Why the Torah was given after 26 generations.

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