Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-06-Talmud Torah

2023-08-22 – LH5 – YD2 – Sefer Torah 2 – Para. 11-13 – Sefer Devarim on Hoshana Rabba – Simchas Torah – NaAseh vNishma – Bereishis – VeZos HaBracha – Sefer Torah 3 – Para. 1 – Fifth Beggar

Sefer Torah 2 – 3 – Sefer Devarim on Hoshana Rabba – Simchas Torah – NaAseh vNishmaBereishis – VeZos HaBracha – Fifth Beggar – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Sefer Torah 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 22 – “Choshem Besoch Chosem – A Seal Within a Seal”.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. Reading Sefer Devarim on Hoshana Rabba. “Choshem Besoch Chosem – A Seal Within a Seal”. The Ushpizin – The Seven Shepherds of Israel.
10:00 – PARAGRAPH 12. Shemini Atzeres – Simchas Torah.
14:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 60. The Seventy Faces of Torah parallel the seventy years of man’s life.
16:00 – The ongoing process of NaAseh vNishma. Simchas Torah and Parshas Bereishis.
*20:00 – Parshas VeZos HaTorah. How the last Possuk in the Torah hints at NaAseh vNishma. Why, after the final reading in the Torah, we immediately begin reading it from the beginning again.
28:00 – Q&R about the practical meaning of NaAseh vNishma.
29:00 – Q&R NaAseh vNishma has several different aspects.
*30:00 – PARAGRAPH 13. Parshas HaAzinu read in the Beis HaMikdash. NaAseh vNishma.
34:00 – The Yisraelim read Parshas HaAzinu while standing in the Beis HaMikdash. Reading Torah b’Amidah – while standing – is an aspect of turning the Torah into Tefilah.
40:00 – HALAKHA 3. Introduction. Hilkhos Sefer Torah 3 is based on Sipurey Masiyos – The Seven Beggars – Fifth Day – Story of the Hunchbacked Beggar (commentary – Sichos HaRan 149).
42:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Sipurey Masiyos – The Seven Beggars – Fifth Day – Story of the Hunchbacked Beggar – “little holding much”.
46:00 – The tree with three roots: Emunah – faith, Yirah – Respect, and Anava – humility. The trunk of the tree is Emes.
48:00 – Biographical NOTE about Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal and the design for the Parochas – curtain – of the Aron Kodesh in Uman.
50:00 – Closing blessings.

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