Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-11-Sefer Torah

2023-08-25 – LH5 – YD2 – Sefer Torah 3 – Para. 7b-9 – The Purpose of Life – Small Holding Much – Writing a Sefer Torah Completes All Four Aspects of the Mystical Ilan – Garments of Leather

Sefer Torah 3 – Purpose of Life – Small Holding Much – Writing a Sefer Torah Completes All Four Aspects of the Mystical Ilan – Garments of Leather – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Sefer Torah 3 is based on Sipurey Masiyos – The Seven Beggars – Fifth Day – Story of the Hunchbacked Beggar (commentary – Sichos HaRan 149).
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 7b. The purpose of life – elevating the world above the concept of place.
09:50 – Q&R about the purpose of life. Q&R about Hashem being “obligated”. Q&R about free will. Reference to Likutey Moharan 52.
14:40 – Writing the letters of the Torah brings spirituality into the physical, and achieve the concept of “small holding much”.
19:00 – PARAGRAPH 8. Writing a Sefer Torah completes all four aspects of the mystical Ilan.
22:06 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 18.
21:30 – Each letter in a Sefer Torah has many components with various spiritual attributes.
22:27 – The letter Yud embodies Anava – humility – and alludes to Olam Habah. Complete reward in the Future World is only possible for those who have humility. Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 72.
*26:32 – The Ilan’s central Midah of Emes is achieved through the three Midos of its roots. These Midos are prerequisite in the Sofer writing a Sefer Torah: Emunah – faith, Yirah – respect, and Anava – humility.
31:30 – PARAGRAPH 9. The letters of a Sefer Torah are written on the hide of kosher animal.
36:00 – It’s forbidden to turn the Torah into something physical. Reference to Likutey Moharan 110.
37:50 – Q&R about why Adam and Chava were created with different levels of Daas.
39:00 – The Etz HaChaim and the Etz HaDaas in Gan Eden is an aspect of Toras Nistarthe hidden aspects of the Torah. Adam and Chava – garments of leather – garments of light.
*46:10 – The Torah is clothed in “garments of leather” by writing it on the hide of an animal. This brings its light into the physical world.
48:18 – Q&R about the Fifth Beggar – the hunchback – and humility.
51:30 – Closing blessings.

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