Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-11-Sefer Torah

2023-08-28 – LH5 – YD2 – Sefer Torah 4 – Para. 2-6 – Beirur HaMedameh – Getting Free of Illusions – Memory – Letting Go of the Past – Rosh Hashanah – VeZos HaBerakha

Sefer Torah 4 – Beirur HaMedameh – Getting Free of Illusions – Memory – Letting Go of the Past – Rosh Hashanah – VeZos HaBerakha – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Sefer Torah 4 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 8.
*00:00 – PARAGRAPH 2. How writing a Sefer Torah is a Tikkun HaMedameh.
07:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. “Write for yourselves this song…” – The Future Song – reference to Sanhedrin 21.
09:00 – Q&R – What is Beirur HaMedameh? Clarification of imagination – getting free of illusions – recognizing mistaken thoughts and beliefs.
12:30 – PARAGRAPH 4. Rosh Hashanah.
16:00 – Definition of Malkhus.
19:00 – Beirur HaMedameh is mainly done during Tishrei, especially on Rosh Hashanah.
20:00 – Through this Tikkun HaMedameh we’re zocheh to the Song of the Future.
28:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Clarification of the Medameh began with Avraham Avinu.
36:00 – Q&R about memory in Teshuvah. The importance of letting go of the past – not allowing the past to hold a person back from renewing his connection with Hashem.
*38:00 – PARAGRAPH 6. Parshas VeZos HaBerakha. Why the last Possuk in the Torah speaks about the “Eyes of Yisrael“. Each person must start anew.
44:00 – Q&R about Selichos before Rosh Hashanah.
*44:00 – The broken Luchos were stored together with the second set of Luchos. The second Luchos embody the ability to remember. The broken Luchos embody the ability to forget. Only by forgetting the unnecessary things of the past can a person succeed in remembering what is important in the present.

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