Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Chayey Moharan - Life of Rebbe Nachman/ חיי מוהר"ן

2023-09-10 – Chayey Moharan – Life of Rebbe Nachman – Part 52 – Para. 362 – 365 and 403 – 406 – Traveling to Uman for Rebbe Nachman’s Rosh Hashanah – Pidyon Nefesh

Chayey Moharan 362 – 365 – and 403 – 406 – Traveling to Uman for Rebbe Nachman’s Rosh Hashanah – Pidyon Nefesh – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 403. “My Rosh Hashanah is more important than anything else… no one should be missing.” – Rebbe Nachman. “Anyone who is with me for Rosh Hashanah can be very, very happy” as in the description of this day in the time of the Nevi’imלְכוּ֩ אִכְל֨וּ מַשְׁמַנִּ֜ים וּשְׁת֣וּ מַמְתַּקִּ֗ים וְשִׁלְח֚וּ מָנוֹת֙ לְאֵ֣ין נָכ֣וֹן ל֔וֹ כִּֽי־קָד֥וֹשׁ הַיּ֖וֹם לַֽאֲדֹנֵ֑ינוּ וְאַל־תֵּ֣עָצֵ֔בוּ כִּֽי־חֶדְוַ֥ת יְהֹוָ֖ה הִ֥יא מָֽעֻזְּכֶֽם – “Go, eat satisfying foods and drink sweet drinks and send portions to whoever has nothing prepared, for the day is holy to our Lord, and do not be sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength… (Nechemia 8:10).
*01:33 – PARAGRAPH 404. “Whether you eat or don’t eat, whether you sleep or don’t sleep, whether you pray [with Kavana] or don’t pray [with Kavana] – be with me for Rosh Hashanah.” – Rebbe Nachman.
04:32 – PARAGRAPH 405.
05:19 – PARAGRAPH 406. Rebbe Nachman’s final Rosh Hashanah in this world. Pidyon Nefesh.
10:58 – Traveling to be with the Rebbe even after his passing.
12:28 – Whatever path a person is on, Hashem allows him to travel on it (Makos 10).
12:46 – Bilaam.
13:52 – The Meraglim – spies.
17:58 – Q&R about Mesiras Nefesh.
19:39 – Q&R – Is Pidyon Nefesh enough of a Kesher with the Tzaddik? Other ways to establish connection.
20:50 – Q&R Although it’s preferable that Pidyon Nefesh is done on Erev Rosh Hashanah, the names and Tzedakah can be submitted before then.
21:46 – Verbal connection with the Tzaddik Nusach of Hiskashrus.
22:27 – Q&R about what to do when travel to a gravesite isn’t possible.

24:15 – Pidyon Nefesh can be done through Rabbi Maimon via the link HERE.

*26:03 – Q&R about Rebbe Nachman’s statement: “On Rosh Hashanah I can accomplish things that can’t be accomplished at any other time.” The power of Tzaddikim is greater after their passing.
26:47 – Praying at the gravesite of a Tzaddik is an ancient tradition in Am Yisrael. Why Moshe Rabbeinu’s gravesite is hidden (Sotah).
28:00 – Q&R if a person can’t afford the suggested amount for a Pidyon Nefesh, then whatever they can afford is accepted.

28:11 – PARAGRAPH 362. (Returning to text where the previous Shiur left off.)
31:06 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 33.
31:55 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 101.
33:03 – Rebbe Nachman considered the Etz Chaim as Mussar – guidance for observing the Mitzvos of the Torah.
45:00 – PARAGRAPH 363. Rebbe Nachman yearned for a person who could write clearly so Rebbe Nachman would be able to make the teachings of the Arizal accessible to every Torah student.
36:50 – PARAGRAPH 364. A comparison between the Arizal’s presentation of Kabbalah and that of Rabbi Moshe Cordevero zal in his Sefer Pardes Rimonim.
40:00 – In Sichos HaRan Rebbe Nachman describes how he studied all the major works of Kabbalah at an early age.
41:05 – PARAGRAPH 365. Rebbe Nachman’s works illuminate the concepts presented by the Arizal.
43:07 – Closing Blessings for Rosh Hashanah.

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