Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-09-11 – LH5 – YD2 – Mezuza 4 – Para. 3b-5a – Shalom Bayis – Machlokes – Conflict for the Sake of Peace – Diversity in Klal Yisrael – Free Choice Only Possible in Constriction

Mezuza 4 – Shalom Bayis – Machlokes – Conflict for the Sake of Peace – Diversity in Klal Yisrael – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Mezuza 4 is based on Sichos HaRan 96.
*00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3b – Shalom Bayis can only be achieved through understanding the purpose of a Jewish home.
06:10 – PARAGRAPH 4 – Conflict that results from diversity is elevated by the Tzaddik to create peace, composed of the 310 worlds.
23:30 – Free choice only exists where Tzimtzum – constriction – exists.
27:00 – (Tehillim 65:5).
*27:45 – (Tehillim 27:4). The Light of Hashem can only be established in this world through the Bayis. The Tzaddik is involved in this process by building the 310 Worlds, which are built through the resolution of conflict.
31:30 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 64.
33:00 – NOTE: Two times C’nei – acquire – is 210.
34:00 – Q&R – Peace is only achieved through differences.
35:00 – The Name of Hashem Shin – Daled – Yud – “Enough” is an aspect of Tzimtzum – constriction.
40:00 – Reference to 2Likutey Moharan 5.
50:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Shema veyaha im shamuah…

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