Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-11-03 – LH5 – YD2 – Chadash 3 – Para. 10-11 – Four Levels of Creation – Four Worlds – Transformation of Earth to Plants and Body to Soul – Rain – Techiyas HaMeysim

Chadash 3 – Para. 10 – Four Levels of Creation – Four Worlds – Transformation of Earth to Plants and Body to Soul – Rain – Techiyas HaMeysim – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Chadash 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 37.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 10.
*18:00 – Q&R about the importance of Pas Shacharis every day.
24:00 – The Four Levels of Creation correspond to the Four Worlds.
28:00 – The only transformation from one level to another is from Earth to Plants.
30:00 – Rain.
34:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. Preparation for rain. Rain did not exist until man prayed for it.
38:30 – Fasting when there’s a lack of rain.
40:00 – Techiyas HaMeysim – resurrection of the dead – is related to rain.
43:00 – The purpose of Am Yisrael is to transform Din to Chesed – this is an aspect of Earth converting to Nefesh during Techiyas HaMeysim.
45:00 – The connection between the blessing of dew and the resulting subservience of the 70 Nations to Am Yisrael.

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