Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-11-16 – LH5 – YD2 – Orlah 3 – Para. 3-5a – Fruit of a Tree Is Forbidden for the Tree’s First Three Years – Ten Types of Song – Instrument of 72 Strings – Tu BeShevat – Moshe Rabbeinu – Og – Ketores

Orlah 3 – Fruit of a Tree Is Forbidden for the Tree’s First Three Years – Ten Types of Song – Instrument of 72 Strings – Tu BeShevat – Moshe Rabbeinu – Og – Ketores – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Orlah 3 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 8.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. During its first three years the fruit of a newly-planted tree is forbidden. This fruit is called Orlah.
06:45 – PARAGRAPH 4. The fruit of a tree’s fourth year is permitted.
*10:00 – Ten Types of Song – Instrument of 72 strings.
17:20 – The holiness of Yerushalayim.
30:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Rosh Hashanah l’Ilanos – Tu BeShevat. Rebuke given at the level of Moshe Rabbeinu’s ability to rebuke Am Yisrael.
26:00 – Reyach NeKhoach – sweet aroma [pleasing to Hashem]. NeKhoach is b’Gematria 72.
33:00 – Moshe Rabbeinu’s defeat of Og Melech HaBashan was related to the Kol of Moshe’s ability to rebuke Am Yisrael.
38:00 – The defeat of Og Melech HaBashan took place in the month of Shevat. Tefilah b’Vechinas Din.
41:00 – Holiness is always related to the number ten. The number 11 refers to the Klipos – realms of spiritual impurity. NOTE about the number 11. The eleven curtains of goat hair in the Mishkan.
43:00 – The Ketores extracts the holiness from within the depths of the Klipos.
45:00 – NOTE about the current war in Gaza – terrorists made their headquarters in their hospitals.
47:00 – Q&R about the curtains made of goat hair in the Mishkan. Reference to Sefer HaLekutim, HaAzeinu.
49:00 – Closing blessings – mourning the loss of every Jewish soldier and praying for the final downfall of Sutra Achra.

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