Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2023-12-18 – LH5 – YD2 – Orlah 5 – Para. 14-17a – Expensive Garments of the Kohen Gadol Repair Israel’s Lack of Judgement – Holiness vs. Wealth – White Clothing – Purim – Humility vs. Arrogance – 127 Lands – Chayei Sarah

Orlah 5 – Expensive Garments of the Kohen Gadol Repair Israel’s Lack of Judgement – Holiness vs. Wealth – White Clothing – Purim – Humility vs. Arrogance – 127 Lands – Chayei Sarah – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Orlah 5 is based on Likutey Moharan 14.
*00:00 – PARAGRAPH 14. The expensive garments of the Kohen Gadol – especially the gems of the Choshen Mishpat – repair lack of judgement in Am Yisrael. Buying and wearing expensive garments beyond one’s means is a sign of defective Mishpat – judgement.
06:30 – When the Kohen Gadol enters the Kadosh Kadoshim, he removes his expensive garments and wears only white linen. Whiteness represents purity.
11:00 – Even if our garments are stained, they will become white as pure wool.
13:40 – PARAGRAPH 15. Purim. Geyrim – converts to Judaism – and Baalei Teshuvah – those who return to Torah observance – elevate the honor of Hashem in the world, and this generates tremendous joy. “The humble will listen and rejoice.” Humility brings a person to joy. Arrogance brings a person sadness.
20:00 – PARAGRAPH 16. All of Am Yisrael’s suffering in exile is the result of arrogance – both on the part of the 70 Nations and on the part of Am Yisrael. Torah can only be received through humility.
30:00 – The concept of time enables free choice. Past and future are illusions – one has only the present. Therefore living a life of holiness is done only today. When Moshiach was asked “When are you coming?” He replied “Today, if you will heed my voice.” Reference to Likutey Moharan 14.
*34:00 – Perfectionism wastes a person life. “How long are you going to be in this world, that your life has to be perfect?”
38:00 – Thinking that others have things that we need only causes us suffering. Our joy is only in attaching ourselves to Hashem today, in the present, with what we have now.
41:00 – Q&R about Achashverosh.
44:30 – PARAGRAPH 17. – The 127 lands of Achashverosh parallel the 127 years of Sarah Imeinu’s life. Where you find greatness, you find humility. 100 year, 20 year, and 7 years represent three types of people: big, medium, and small. “In this world, the one who is big is actually small, and the one who is small is actually big”. 7 years is plural, while 100 year and 20 year are singular.
*48:15 – Parshas Chayei Sarah. The years of the life of Sarah were all good. A good life is achieved only through humility. Four levels of humility.
51:30 – Sarah in Atbash is beGematria 95 – which is HaMelech, Malkha, and Haman (ruler in the realm of evil). The planet Mars is also 95. Sarah is also called Malkha and Yiska – both beGematria 95. Dovid HaMelech.
53:45 – Q&R – Likutey Tefilos 14 corresponds with Likutey Moharan 14. The first 70 Tefilos in Likutey Tefilos correspond directly with the first 70 Torahs of the Likutey Moharan.

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