Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-17-Kiley Ilan

2023-12-21 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Ilan 1- Introduction – Para. 1-4 – Light of Chanukah Illuminates Words of Torah – Tehillim 30 – Malakh MaTaT – TaL Ohros – 39 Lights – 39 Malakhos to Build the Mishkan

Kiley Ilan 1 – Light of Chanukah Illuminates Words of Torah – Tehillim 30 – Malakh MaTaTTaL Ohros – 39 Lights – 39 Malakhos to Build the Mishkan – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Kiley Ilan 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 11.
00:00 – Introduction. Chanukah and Shemiras HaBris.
09:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. The light of Chanukah illuminates words of Torah.
16:00 – Yarkah is an aspect of Teshuvah.
19:00 – PARAGRAPH 2. The Chanukah lights may not be used for anything except the Mitzvah of lighting Ner Chanukah itself.
*25:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Tehillim 30 and Chanukah. Upper and Lower Yichud of the Shema.
32:00 – Chanoch became the Malakh MaTaT, who rules over the 6 weekdays (subservient to Hashem). On Shabbos, Hashem rules directly over all worlds.
35:00 – On the 25th day of Kislev, we draw the light of the Malakh MaTat down to make it accessible to people who are on a lower spiritual level.
37:00 – Q&R about the difference between a person and a Malakh. Students of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai zal were told they would become angels after they left this world.
40:00 – Q&R about the connections between Shema Yisrael and Shmiras HaBris.
41:00 – PARAGRAPH 4. TaL Ohros the “39 Lights” of Hashem correspond to the 39 Malakhos – creative acts of work – necessary to building the Mishkan.
45:00 – Closing notes about Asarah b’Teves, which comes out this year on Erev Shabbos.

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