Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-17-Kiley Ilan

2023-12-24 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Ilan 1 – Para. 5b – Kiley Kerem 2 – Introduction – Para. 1a – A Tzaddik Is Like a Tree – Zarkah – Torah Cantillations Correspond to the Name of Hashem – Bitul – Four Worlds in Shacharis – Reiva deReivin

Kiley Ilan 1 – Kiley Kerem 2 – A Tzaddik Is Like a Tree – Zarkah – Torah Cantillations Correspond to the Name of Hashem Bitul – Four Worlds in Shacharis – Reiva deReivin – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Kiley Ilan 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 11.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5b.
00:00 – Arrogance is related to Niuf.
15:00 – Q&R about Upper and lower Yichudim.
16:00 – Kiley Kerem 2. INTRODUCTION. Kiley Kerem 2 is based on Likutey Moharan 4. Overview of Likutey Moharan 4.
21:00 – The Torah cantillation Zarkah is an aspect of returning the light of Hashem to its Source. The Torah cantillations correspond to the Name of Hashem: Ta’amim = Yud, Nekudos = First Hey, Tagim = Vuv, Letter – Final Hey (Malkhus). The letters are expressions of Hashem’s Ratzon – will.
27:00 – The word Yesh is composed of the Roshei Teivos “Yemin/Smol” – Initial letters of “Right/Left”.
31:00 – When a person is praying and suddenly enters a state of Bitul – self-nullification, strongly connected with Hashem – this is a display of Hashem’s kindness. It is a sign that Hashem has opened the door for that person to receive from His infinite light.
*39:00 – Q&R – How the Four Worlds correspond to Tefilas Shacharis. Reference to Likutey Moharan 65.
42:00 – Q&R about Reiva d’ReivinShabbos afternoon – the hours when a person can make the most profound connection with Hashem. [Moshe Rabbeinu passed away during the hours of the fullest revelation of Hashem’s light: ברעוא דרעוין – on Shabbos in the late afternoon.]
44:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Keley Kerem – the prohibition of mixing different types of plants.

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