Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-19-Kiley Beheyma

2024-01-22 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Beheyma 4 – Para. 9b-11 – Chanukah – Why We Praise HaShem Before Asking Him for Help – Gratitude Is a Foundation of Chinuch – Sheleymus HaDibur via the Avos and Imahos – 4 Aspects of Speech – Shabbos

Kiley Beheyma 4 – Chanukah – Why We Praise HaShem Before Asking Him for Help – Gratitude Is a Foundation of Chinuch Sheleymus HaDibur via the Avos and Imahos – 4 Aspects of Speech – Shabbos – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Kiley Beheyma 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 2.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 9b – Chanukah – Why We Praise HaShem Before Asking Him for Help –
06:00 – Note about  the benefits of writing down the miracles in one’s life.
10:30 – Q&R about mitzvos that are performed all the time. Example: all the mitzmos los ta’asey – Torah prohibitions.
11:00 – Why the root of the word Chanukah is chinuch – Torah education.
*15:00 – Gratitude is a foundation of chinuch.
18:00 – Q&R about observing the mitzvos in chutz l’Aretz – the diaspora.
16:00 – PARAGRAPH 10. Why there are 8 days of Chanukah. The lights of Chanukah are an aspect of the light of truth.
*26:00 – The four Imahos correspond with sheleymus hadibur in all 4 aspects of speech.
32:00 – Q&R about Esav and Yaakov.
34:00 – PARAGRAPH 11. The seven branches of the menorah and the holiness of the seventh day – Shabbos.
*48:00 – Shabbos protected Adam and Chava from Hashem’s gezeyra: on the day you eat from the tree you will die. Why didn’t they die? Shabbos was a protective shield.
50:00 – The process of bringing the joy of Shabbos into the six weekdays is a gradual process, accomplished over generations.

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