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2024-01-24 – LH5 – YD2 – Kiley Beheyma 4 – Para. 14b – Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan zal – Tikkunim of Chanukah – 13 Attributes of Kindness – 13 Principles of Torah Study – Ner Shabbos – Flow of Light in Kabbalah – Expansions and Unifications of HaShem’s Name – What Are Kavanas?

Kiley Beheyma 4 – Para. 14b – Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan zalTikkunim of Chanukah – 13 Attributes of Kindness – 13 Principles of Torah Study – Ner Shabbos – Flow of Light in Kabbalah – Expansions and Unifications of HaShem’s Name – What Are Kavanas?
Hilkhos Kiley Beheyma 4 is based on Likutey Moharan 2.
00:00 – Tribute to Rabbi Aryeh Moshe Eliyahu ben Shmuel Kaplan zal whose yahrzeit is today, the 14th of Shevat. Chiddush of the SheLaH HaKadosh: Haman is begematria Chelbanah in the Ketores – alluding to the eventual ultimate tikkun of evil.
06:30 – All the of the tikkunim of Chanukah originate from the 13 Attributes of Kindness – 13 Principles for Expounding Torah. Todah is the bottom line of tefilah, halakha is the bottom line of Torah.
11:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 1. Cheyn – favor – facilitates the acceptance of tefilahe. The study of halakha (by means of the 13 Principles of Torah Stud) activates the 13 Attributes of Kindness. All miracles originate from the 13 Attributes of Kindness.
*15:00 – Tachanun – Bnei Yissachar on the powerful effect of reciting the 13 Attributes of Kindness.
18:30 – The main intention in lighting the Chanukah lights is Yichud of the Shem Chavayeh (Shem HaEtzem/Y – K – V – K) with the three Names: E – K – Y – H E – L – K – I – M and A – D – N – Y. The total of all three combinations of Names creates the gematria of Ner – lamp.
23:00 – Q&R about the concept of din/constriction in Kabbalah. GAVAH is Gevurah Binah Hod. (in the story of the fish)
26:45 – Lighting the Shabbos lights causes the Malkhus to rise upward to its source of light. Lighting the Chanukah lights causes the Light from Above reaches down to the Malkhus below, in its usual position. Gematria of roshei teivos of Netzach – Hod – Yisod is the gematria of Shem A – D – N – Y.
31:00 – Creating yichudim reveals the pure oneness of HaShem.
32:00 – Q&R about the separation, diversification, and flow of HaShem’s Light. Am Yisrael is the Malkhus of HaShem.
35:00 – Q&R about the placement of the Chanukah lights at a low level in the home. Yesh is Yemin/Smol (right/left) – C’nei Chakhma – Twice “C’nei” is YeSH. HaShem’s light begins to separate and diversify at YeSH.
37:00 – Q&R Review of the kavanas of Chanukah and its correspondence to the first 7 of the 13 Attributes of Kindness. The Eighth day of Chanukah we receive the final 6 Attributes of Kindness.
38:44 – The three yechudim – unions – that are begematria Ner are activated by the word “LeHadlik” – which corresponds to the expansions of the Shem HaEtzem, AV, SaG, BaN.
*40:00 – Q&R – what are kavanas and who is at the level to accomplish them?
*42:00 – The time for lighting Chanukah lights is described in the Gemara with the phrase “until no foot is walking in the street” – the word regel – foot – alludes to the secrets encoded in the kavanas of Chanukah.
43:30 – The unification of Y – K – V – K and E – K – Y – H results in אמת. All spiritual light emanates from the Name Y – K – V – K through its expansion AV (72) which is associated with Keser – the origin of all kindness. That’s the place of the highest level of Hodaya – thanksgiving. Shem AV (72) is begematria Chesed. purification of the 4 Aspects of Speech.
*47:30 – The four letters of Shem Chavaya correspond with the 4 aspects of speech and the 4 Degalim – encampments – of Bnei Yisrael. Each of the four basic letters of the Shem Chavaya expands into 3 letters (eg. “Yud” becomes Yud Vuv Daled…. etc.)
51:18 – Shem MaH is begematria Adam, corresponding to Yaakov Avinu – bechinas Emes.
52:00 – NOTE about Avraham Avinu and his servant Eliezer Damesek. The battle between the 4 Kings and the 5 Kings describes the unification of Y – K – V – K with E – L – K – I – M. The gematria of Eliezer is 318. Damasek is Roshei Teiyvos Daled Machanos Shekhina Kadosha). The Throne of HaShem contains four forms: Aryeh, Shor, Nesher, Adam. In a different form of gematria, Eliezer is also begematria Aryeh, Shor, Nesher, Adam.
56:00 – Q&R about applying the above principles to Hisbodedus. Step one is thanksgiving, since it opens the heart and enables one to ask for help from HaShem.
57:40 – Q&R about spiritual Light and its constriction.
58:30 – Q&R about the war and the recent loss of 21 Jewish soldiers stationed in Gaza, may their blood be avenged. Chizuk for tefilah in the present horrific current events.

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