Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-21-Pidyon Bechor

2024-02-01 – LH5 – YD2 – Pidyon Bechor 1a – Qualities of a Firstborn Child – Foundations of Shalom Bayis – Money and Marriage – Meaning of the Kesubah

Pidyon Bechor 1 – Qualities of a Firstborn Child – Foundations of Shalom Bayis – Money and Marriage – Meaning of the Kesubah – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Pidyon Bechor 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 67 and Likutey Moharan 69.
00:00 – Spiritual qualities of a firstborn child.
03:00 – All souls emanate from the Throne of HaShem, which is also the source of wealth. Foundations of Shalom Bayis – Money and Marriage.
07:00 – Wedding – yichud after the chuppah. Chamisha gevuros and chamisha chessadim. Reference to Likutey Moharan 69.
10:00 – Meaning of the wedding kesubah.
15:00 – When the Malkhus is in a fallen state, it’s represented by the letter Kuf, alluding to a monkey. Turning the Daled into Hey, turning tzedek into tzedakah.
18:00 – Q&R – Kinos – lamentations – becomes Tikkun – repair – when the letter Noon is straightened out.
*20:00 – Q&R – The Torah does not say that women are inferior to men.
25:00 – The 50 shekelim received by the bride. After the bride receives both the chamisha gevuros and the chamisha chessadim she is ready to receive the souls of the children to be born to her. The firstborn male child receives a portion greater than that of all his brothers. Reference to Likutey Moharan 69 and yerusha – inheritance.
*29:45 – NOTE – for the sake of peace, it’s advised that parents write a will indicating that all children receive an equal share. Some add that the firstborn receives a special gift.
31:00 – Q&R about what to do if a person feels they have been cheated out of money.
39:00 – NOTE about how Rabbi Michel Dorfman zal ran a gemach – free loan fund.
42:00 – Q&R about marriage and money. In general, the husband is the financial provider.

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