Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-21-Pidyon Bechor

2024-02-09 – LH5 – YD2 – Pidyon Bechor 4 – Para. 5 – Pidyon Bechor 5 – Para. 1-3 – Redemption of Firstborn – 5 Silver Coins – Metzach – Determining Moment of Birth – Arichas Yomim – Free Will – Ben veTalmid – Parnassah – Birkhas Kohanim – Chinuch – Achila BeKedusha Defeats Enemies

Pidyon Bechor 4 – 5 – Redemption of Firstborn – 5 Silver Coins – Metzach – Determining the Moment of Birth – Arichas Yomim – Free Will – Ben veTalmidParnassah – Birkhas KohanimChinuch – Achila BeKedusha Defeats Enemies – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Pidyon Bechor 4 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 4.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 5 – Meaning of the five silver coins given to the Kohen for redemption of a firstborn.
06:50 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 67. Tzedek and Tzedakah.
09:00 – HaShem never has to follow the “laws of nature”.
10:00 – Shulchan Aruch – Yoreh Deah 305. How to determine the moment of birth? The emergence of the metzach – the forehead – of the child.
14:30 – Q&R about repairing days of old age. Arichas yomim – long life vs. katzar yomim – short life.
*16:40 – Q&R – very important explanation of bechira – free will.
20:00 – HALAKHA 5. PARAGRAPH 1. Hilkhos Pidyon Bechor 5 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 7. Ben veTalmid.
25:45 – NOTE on Tehillim 104 – Borchi Nafshi – about parnassah. Ben veTalmid. Daniel HaNavi’s dream of a tree – parnassah comes from Malkhus.
28:00 – The importance of eating with dignity. זֶ֚ה | הַיָּ֥ם גָּדוֹל֘ וּרְחַ֪ב יָ֫דָ֥יִם – “This sea-great and wide…” (Tehillim 104:25).
29:30 – PARAGRAPH 2. Redemption of the firstborn with money. The obligation of parents to instill daas in their children.
35:00 – “Adam” is three times Yud Hey, corresponding to the three parts of the human being. Daas is what qualifies a person as “Adam” – human.
36:00 – Q&R about tzedakah appeasing anger.
*37:00 – Q&R about bringing children into the world to increase the daas of the world. What if chinuch is not successful? The more children, the more potential for daas.
39:00 – PARAGRAPH 3.
*40:00 – The most important element in chinuch – education – is to know to whom you are speaking.
42:30 – Why the Kohanim are the ones who give the blessing of wealth. Yam HaChakhma and makfimMakifim/Keter shines light into the Yam HaChakhma. Potential knowledge can be accessed through achila bekedusha.
47:00 – NOTE on achila bekedusha. Reference to Breslov Sefer Lechem HaPanim.
49:00 – Q&R about achila bekedush in the Gemara. Reference to Likutey Moharan 57 – fasting before going to war.
52:00 – NOTE – לְהַשְׁבִּ֥ית א֜וֹיֵ֗ב וּמִתְנַקֵּֽם (Tehillim 8:3) – roshei teivos alluding to defeating enemies through achila Shabbos. Custom of adding to achila Shabbos when Rosh Chodesh is on Shabbos.

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