Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-21-Pidyon Bechor

2024-02-19 – LH5 – YD2 – Pidyon Bechor 5 – Para. 19b-25 – Tehillim 145 – Malkhuskha Malkhus Kol Olamim – Ashrei 3 Times a Day – Dor leDor – Generation to Generation – Emor – Lechem HaPanim – HeAras HaRatzon – Tehillim 23 – Shulchan vs. Enemies

Pidyon Bechor 5 – Tehillim 145 – Malkhuskha Malkhus Kol OlamimAshrei 3 Times a Day – Dor leDor – Generation to Generation – Emor – Lechem HaPanimHeAras HaRatzonTehillim 23 – Shulchan vs. Enemies – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Pidyon Bechor 5 is based on 2Likutey Moharan 7. Ben veTalmid.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 19b. Tehillim 145 – Malkhuskha Malkhus Kol Olamim…  why saying Ashrei 3 times a day insures Gan Eden.
*02:00 – The central theme of Sefer Tehillim: HaShem’s kingship will be proclaimed forever, from Dor leDor – generation to generation.
04:00 – HaShem supports the fallen and encourages them. The trust that we put in HaShem allows the Malkhus to rise up to the higher realms where parnassah is received from the Yadayim beYam HaChakhmah.
07:30 – “All eyes hope to HaShem” allows the opening of the Yadayim beYam HaChakhmah.
09:00 – “Lechol Chai Ratzon” – Roshei Teivos Rochel. Rochel refers to Malkhus. One configuration of the Kisey HaKavod is Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, and Rochel.
09:30 – Summary of Ashrei.
10:00 – PARAGRAPH 20. In the Beis HaMikdash, the Lechem HaPanim was eaten by the Kohanim on Shabbos. The mitzvah of eating on Shabbos and the HeAras HaRatzon generated by eating a meal, especially on Shabbos.
12:00 – The Beis HaMikdash is the center of daas for the entire world. Bread had to be present there continuously.
13:00 – The Beis HaMikdash is called the Cheder HaMitos.
*15:00 – Parshas Emor. Lechem HaPanim refers to the Light of HaShem’s Face and HeAras HaPanim. Why the inyan of the Menorah is next to the inyan of Lechem HaPanim in the Chumash.
17:00 – PARAGRAPH 21. When Dovid HaMelech was fleeing from Shaul HaMelech, Achimelech HaKohen gave him Lechem HaPanim and the sword of Golias.
21:00 – Roshei Teivos “Echad uShemo Echad” is Dovid.
23:00 – PARAGRAPH 22. When HeAras HaRatzon increases, HaShem forgives Am Yisrael from its sins and it is a time of favor. Tzaddikim must be quick, careful, and powerful. A person cannot receive HeAras HaRatzon unless he has self control and is strong-minded.
*27:00 – PARAGRAPH 23 – Tehillim 23 – shulchan – the table – the connection between eating and protection from enemies.
29:00 – Q&R about the need for a person to be an Ish Chayil in order to achieve HeAras HaRatzon.
30:00 – Q&R about the connection between Tehillim 23 and Likutey Moharan 23Ohr HaPanim.
32:00 – PARAGRAPH 24. HILKHOS BECHOR BEHEYMA TAHOR. Sanctifying the firstborn of a kosher animal increases the Light of HaShem into the world.
34:00 – NOTE: 32 teeth in a human mouth correspond to the 32 paths of Chokhmah.
37:00 – בָּ֣אתִי לְגַנִּי֘ אֲחֹתִ֣י כַלָּה֒ – “I have come to my garden, my sister, bride…” (Shir HaShirim 5:1) – “Basi leGani” refers to the Mishkan, the korbonos, and the Ketores.
39:00 – וְזִבְחֵיהֶ֛ם לְרָצ֖וֹן עַל־מִזְבְּחִ֑י – “…and their sacrifices shall be acceptable upon My altar…” (Yishaya 56:7).
*42:00 – The mission of every Jew is to elevate the fallen sparks in all creation, in order to bring recognition of HaShem even to the lowest levels. This is why Torah outreach is very important.
45:00 – PARAGRAPH 25. The Nesiyim – princes of the Shevatim – brought sacrifices first to the Mishkan. The purpose of the Mishkan was to repair the spiritual damage of the Golden Calf. Through the avodah in the Mishkan, Am Yisrael receives increased HeAras HaRatzon.
49:00 – Q&R about eating and drinking being related to emunah and chokhmah. Eating should be done with great consciousness.
53:00 – Q&R about achila bekedusha being central to transmitting daas and emunah to future generations.
54:00 – Closing blessings.

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