Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


2024-03-18-19 – LH5 – YD2 – Challah 1 – Tikkun HaBris – Tikkun Loshon HaKodesh – Separating a Portion of Dough – Eys Ratzon – Time of Favor – Chava – Challah Means Tefilah – Repairing Speech – Eretz Yisrael

Challah 1 – Tikkun HaBrisTikkun Loshon HaKodesh – Separating a Portion of Dough – Eys Ratzon – Time of Favor – Chava – Challah Means Tefilah – Repairing Speech – Eretz Yisrael – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Challah 1 is based on Likutey Moharan 19.
00:00 – HALAKHA 1. Challah – separating a portion of dough when making bread.
02:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 58.
13:30 – NOTE – the ten sefiros are present in the body as well as in the face.
15:30 – Why a portion of the challah dough is given to the Kohen.
19:49 – The mitzvah of separating challah is given to women because Chava ruined the challah of the world: Adam – mankind. Therefore women are responsible for repairing her mistake. [This concept is explained more fully in Halakha 2.]
21:30 – The word challah refers to tefilah.
23:00 – Rain completed the process of creation.
24:00 – Q&R about why the dough is not given to the Kohen today.
25:00 – Q&R about why Adam is called the challah of the world.
26:00 – Q&R about the amount of dough required for separating challah.
27:00 – Repairing speech. Until Adam prayed for rain, the world was incomplete. The word Shefa is composed of the first letters of the three tefilos: Amida, Sicha, Pegiya. All shefa comes through tefilah, which is Sheleymus Loshon HaKodesh.
*29:45 – The time of separating dough is an Eys Ratzon – a time of favor for tefilah.
31:40 – Speech comes down to the world by passing through all ten sefiros, from the highest level – Chokhma – all the way down to Malkhus.
35:00 – When the Beis HaMikdash stood, if a person was in chutz l’aretz, the portion of dough separated for the mitzvah of hafrashas challah was not given to a kohen.
40:00 – (2024-03-19). מֵֽהָאֵ֣שׁ יָצָ֔אוּ וְהָאֵ֖שׁ תֹּֽאכְלֵ֑ם – “…From the fire they have emerged, but the fire will devour them…” (Yechezkel 15:7).
42:00 – Hey HaDiyah. Flour emanates from Gevurah and water from Chessed. Joining the water and flour generates daas, a union of Gevurah and Chessed. It’s only after the water is mixed with the flour that the dough is separated for the mitzvah of Hafrashas Challah.
50:00 – NOTE about the structure of Likutey Halakhos: the first halakha in a topic from Shulchan Aruch is usually briefer than subsequent halakhas on that topic.

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