Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH5-23-Pehter Chamor

2024-03-18 – LH5 – YD2 – Pehter Chamor 3 – Para. 4-7 – Moshe Rabbeinu – Aharon HaKohen – Holiness of the 7 Lights of the Face – Sheep Symbolize Ashirus deKedusha – 7 Kolos Made from a Sheep – BeShalach

Pehter Chamor 3 – Moshe RabbeinuAharon HaKohen – Holiness of the 7 Lights of the Face – Sheep Symbolize Ashirus deKedusha – 7 Kolos Made from a Sheep – BeShalach – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Hilkhos Pehter Chamor 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 21.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 4.
04:00 – PARAGRAPH 5. Why the Kohen is given a sheep to redeem a firstborn donkey. Sheep make their owner wealthy because every part of a sheep can be used for holiness. Sound can be made from 7 parts of the sheep. Kol HaShem mentioned 7 times in Tehillim – all come from the 7 kolos produced by parts of the sheep.
10:20 – PARAGRAPH 6. Beshalach. Rashi on Pehter Chamor.
12:30 – The back of the neck is the opposite of daas.
15:20 – PARAGRAPH 7. If the firstborn donkey is not redeemed via a sheep, it’s killed by striking it on the back of the neck with an axe.
18:20 – Q&R about achieving daas. What is the difference between the tikkun achieved via the חמור versus the tikkun achieved via תיקון הברית?

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