Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Ki Seitzei 5773 – Humility is a Powerful Ally – Peace Between People and Inner Peace (Entire Shiur)

Ki Seitzei – Humility is a Powerful Ally – Peace Between People and Inner Peace – Entire Shiur – Based on Likutey Moharan 107. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – The Yetzer Hara – Evil Inclination – is the real enemy of man.
06:15 – Living in Eretz Yisrael vs. living Chutz l’Aretz.
08:51 – Hashem is drawn to humility.
*09:18 – Humility is the most powerful weapon in defeating the Yetzer Hara.
16:26 – Dynamics of Simcha in marriage.
19:45 – Peace between people and inner peace.
23:36 – Yissa’char and Zevulun – Learning Torah and earning a living.

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