Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

VaEira – Pesach – Speech in Exile – Voice – Nigun – Melody – Song – Foundation of Jewish Calendar (Entire Shiur)

VaEira – Pesach – Speech in Exile – Voice – Nigun – Melody – Song – Foundation of Jewish Calendar – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
Text: Likutey Halakhos, Choshen Mishpat 2, Apotropos 3, Para. 5b-7.
Hilkhos Apotropos 3 is based on Likutey Moharan 3.
00:00 – Pharaoh tried to stop the process of Matan Torah through disrupting Israel’s power of speech.
*04:36 – The exile of Mitzrayim (Egypt) was a prototype for all the exiles to follow and was essentially the exile of speech.
10:06 – What is yichud of speech in kabbalah?
16:27 – Yetziyas Mitzrayim – the exodus fulfilled the purpose of taking speech out of exile so that Israel could receive the Torah. The redemption of speech made it possible for for them to do the mitzvah of proclaiming the new month, thus establishing a calendar as a foundation for unity and observance of time-bound commandments – “hachodesh hazeh lachem…”“this month is for you…” (Shemos/Exodus 12:2).
17:45 – PARAGRAPH 6. Speech distinguishes human from animal.
25:05 – PARAGRAPH 7. Korbon Pesach (the Passover sacrifice) and the distinction between holy song and profane.
29:18 – Pesach, matzah, maror.
[The end of this shiur was not recorded.]

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