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Ein Yaakov/ עין יעקב - ר' רוזנפלד

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 081b – Kiddushin – The Ten Martyrs – Wealth Does Not Depend on Profession – Advice About Livelihood – Siyum Kedushin

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 081b – Kiddushin – The Ten Martyrs – Wealth Does Not Depend on Profession – Advice About Livelihood – Siyum Kiddushin. Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל.

00:00 – Review of Rabbi Chiya bar Ashi.
01:17 – If a married woman makes a vow, her husband can release her from it. An unmarried woman can be released from a vow by her father.
04:28 – עשרת הרוגי מלכות – The Ten Martyrs. Rabbi Akiva took the place of the Shekhina HaKadosha among the Shevatim who took part in selling Yosef HaTzaddik.
16:24 – Rabbi Acha Bar Abba disagrees with his son-in-law about his granddaughter’s betrothal while she was still a young child.
19:08 – HaCol L’Shem Shemayim – everything a person does should be for the sake of Heaven.
19:32 – Advice about livelihood from the rabbis of the Gemara.
*22:29 – Wealth does not depend on profession.
23:10 – Rabbi Shimon ben Elazar: “Did you ever see a lion working as a porter?”
26:20 – What professions should be avoided? Cattle driver, storekeeper, sailor, butcher, doctor.
36:48 – If an animal is slaughtered according to Torah law, it has a spiritual elevation.
38:03 – Almost every animal is a reincarnation.
43:01 – “This is the siyum. We have just now completed Gemara Kedushin…”

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