Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Ein Yaakov/ עין יעקב - ר' רוזנפלד

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 173a – Avos DeRav Nasan 18 – Praise of Rabbi Akiva – Yisro Was a Reincarnation of Cain – Moshe Rabbeinu Killed the Egyptian Using Shem HaShem – Sleeping Late Is Harmful

Ein Yaakov – Praise of Rabbi Akiva – Yisro Was a Reincarnation of Cain – Moshe Rabbeinu Killed the Egyptian Using Shem HaShem – Sleeping Late Is Harmful – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – In praise of the Tanayim – the greatness of Rabbi Akiva.
05:14 – Rabbi Akiva’s name is found in the Gemara 564 times. He is victorious 375 times – the gematria of otzar balum – closed treasure.
16:09 – HaChaim is begematria chokhma.
19:38 – The good aspect of Cain returned in reincarnation as Yisro.
20:17 – Moshe Rabbeinu killed the Egyptian using Shem HaShem “Sav Chaf Hey”.
26:03 – Elisha ben Abouya – the danger of Sheina Shel Shacharis – sleeping late in the morning is harmful.
33:56 – Rabbi Akiva’s youth. The importance of calling Rabbi Akiva “Rabbi”.
37:17 – Rav Nosson of Nemirov zal’s gratitude to be studying Torah.

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