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Ein Yaakov/ עין יעקב - ר' רוזנפלד

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 175a – Avos DeRav Nasan 40 – Para. 6 – Pirkei Avos – 4 Types of Students – The 4 Worlds Correspond to the 4 Parts of the Torah – Accidental Sins and Mitzvahs – Cities of Refuge

Ein Yaakov – Lesson 175a – Avos deRav Nasan 40 – Pirkei Avos – 4 Types of Students – The 4 Worlds Correspond to the 4 Parts of the Torah – Accidental Sins and Mitzvahs – Cities of Refuge – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
00:00 – Introduction to Avos DeRav Nasan.
01:00 – Pirkei Avos – 4 types of students.
13:11 – There are 4 worlds.
17:47 – The lowest world is Olam HaAsiya – the physical world. This corresponds to the written Torah.
19:01 – Olam HaYetzira corresponds to the oral Torah – Mishnah.
19:20 – Olam HaBriya corresponds to the oral Torah – Gemara.
19:35 – Olam HaAtzilus corresponds to Kabbalah.
30:40 – “Better to be the tail of a lion than the head of a fox.”
34:57 – Rabbi Meir says that a person who commits an accidental sin is as responsible as if he committed the sin intentionally.
39:08 – Cities of refuge.
41:12 – If a person does a mitzvah by accident, he acquires merit.

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