Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 5ab – Preparation for Tefilah – Tzedakah – Nusach for Hiskashrus to the Tzaddik – Hilkos Sukkos – Arba Minim

Halakha 5ab – Preparation for Tefilah Tzedakah – Nusach for Hiskashrus to the Tzaddik – Hilkos SukkosArba Minim – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל. [Re-digitized from original recording.]
00:00 – Hoshana Rabba.
06:25 – Dinim of Tefilah: preparing for Tefilah by dressing with respect for Hashem.
12:44 – Binding one’s soul to the souls of Klal Yisrael before Tefilah.
*14:00 – Giving Tzedakah before Tefilah at the words “v’Ata Mosheyl beKol” with kavana for parnassah.
18:07 – “Love your neighbor as yourself…”
*19:21 – Nusach for Hiskashrus to the Tzaddik.
24:42 – Shiur recorded on Erev Sukkos: Hilkhos Sukkos.
28:15 – Simchas Torah is a day for Teshuvah through Simcha.
28:36 – HALAKHA 5b. [Re-digitized from original recording.]
47:23 – Binding the Arba Minim.

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