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Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 11 – Part 2a – Kriyas Shema – 4 Sections – 3 Pauses – Minhag Arizal – Shemoneh Esrei – Connecting Geulah to Tefilah – Turning Torah into Prayer

Halakha 11 – Part 2a – Kriyas Shema – 4 Sections – 3 Pauses – Minhag Arizal – Shemoneh Esrei – Connecting Geulah to Tefilah – Turning Torah into Prayer – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal.
*00:00 – According to the Arizal, it’s important to pause between each of the four sections of the Kriyas Shema.
02:59 – The first section of the Kriyas Shema parallels the Shem Mem Beis – it contains 42 words. The second section contains 72 words, corresponding to the Shem Ayin Beis.
03:45 – The Third section of the Kriyas Shema is from the word “Es” until “Al HaAretz”. It contains 50 words corresponding to the 50 levels of Binah.
03:52 – The fourth section of the Kriyas Shema (Tzitzis) begins with the word “VaYidabeyr” – it contains 72 words corresponding to the Shem Ayin Beis.
14:42 – During Kriyas Shema of Shacharis and Maariv, one should sit. [One stands during Kriyas Shema Al HaMitah.] We stand up to prepare for the Shemoneh Esrei at the words “Tehilos leKeyl Elyon…”
*16:34 – Connecting Geulah to Tefilah – there should be no hesitation in beginning the Shemoneh Esrei.
18:57 – NOTE: the importance of Tefilah BeTzibor will be included in next Monday’s Shiur in Navi.
24:22 – The Yetzer Hara cannot be overcome except with help from Hashem.
26:12 – Turning Torah into Tefilah gives Hashem the greatest satisfaction.

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