Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Halakha and Customs – Rabbi Rosenfeld ז"ל/ הלכה ומנהג

Halakha 070 – Sleep on Shabbos – Dinei Kriyas HaTorah on Shabbos – Three Sifrei Torah – Ki Sisa – Massei – 42 Journeys – Shem Mem Beis

Halakha 070 – Sleep on Shabbos Dinei Kriyas HaTorah on Shabbos – Three Sifrei Torah – Ki Sisa – Massei – 42 Journeys – Shem Mem BeisMaftir – Haftara – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל.

00:00 – Making 100 brachos every day.
00:40 – [Interruption in recording.]
01:18 – Sleep on Shabbos – the custom of taking a nap on Shabbos.
03:38 – The special Mitzvah of Limud Torah on Shabbos. The custom of sleeping a bit later than usual on Shabbos morning.
08:29 – The obligation to daven – pray – on time.
18:38 – Hilkhos Shabbos – Dinei Kriyas HaTorah – Ashkenaz traditions.
36:36 – Occasions when three Sifrei Torah are read.
40:13 – Combining Parshios during years with less weeks.
*40:28 – Parshas Ki Sisa.
41:44 – Parsas Massei. The 42 journeys of Am Yisrael in the Midbar correspond to Shem Mem Beis – the Name of Hashem containing 42 letters.

44:18 – Hilkhos Kriyas HaTorah on Shabbos – continued.
45:40 – If a person doesn’t receive an Aliya to the Torah, he should accept the situation with patience. The importance of peace between everyone in a Shul.
46:58 – Priorities in Aliyas for Kriyas HaTorah.
*48:17 – Aliya for the father of a newborn if the mother is in Shul. Custom of a woman not to leave her home after giving birth until she answers Baruch Hu (answers Omein to a minyan).
50:20 – The custom to give an Aliya to a guest in Shul.
51:58 – The custom that in an Ashkenazic Shul the Torah is not read with Sefardic pronunciation.
55:03 – Maftir.
55:41 – Shabbos – Kriyas HaTorah – Maftir – history of the custom of Haftara.
58:08 – Maftir – continued in next recording.

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