Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Likutey Moharan 1/ ליקוטי מוהר"ן

Likutey Moharan 59 – Para. 1-5 – Mishpat – Hisbodedus – Square Within a Circle – Cheshbon HaNefesh

Likutey Moharan 59 – Mishpat – Hisbodedus – Square Within a Circle – Cheshbon HaNefesh – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1.
18:03 – PARAGRAPH 2.
24:26 – Mishpat is done through Hisbodedus and dealing with other people properly.
25:18 – Biographical NOTE about Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld ז”ל.
29:23 – PARAGRAPH 3. Square within a circle – Shabbos.
35:27 – PARAGRAPH 4.
45:04 – Zohar HaKodesh on 39 lashes.
49:55 – PARAGRAPH 5.
71:33 – Avraham Avinu.
79:33 – Mishlei 19:14.

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