Today’s online Torah study is dedicated by Yehuda Wurtzel l’ilui nishmas his dear mother Bernice bas Avraham ע”ה whose yahrzeit is on the 12th of Shevat.
To make a dedication, click HERE.
Likutey Moharan 155 – Patience, Faith, and Eretz Yisrael – Power in Growth Itself – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (Lesson 270. Recorded in 1981-1982.)
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. If a person feels sad, lazy, or unfocused during tefilah – it’s due to a lack in emunah -faith. Through his analogy of how a grain of wheat sprouts and grows, Rebbe Nachman teaches that there’s a power in growth itself.
08:20 – PARAGRAPH 2. Patience is achieved through taking a deep breath.
15:00 – PARAGRAPH 3. Acquiring patience depends on Eretz Yisrael. We say “May He lead us with uprightness to our Land” immediately before we say the Krias Shema to establish the connection between Emunah and Eretz Yisrael.
Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 52:12 — 23.9MB)