Podcast (shiurim): Download (Duration: 55:56 — 19.2MB)
Likutey Moharan 250 – The Power of Tears – Tisha B’Av – Sin of the Meraglim – Likutey Moharan 251 – Part 1 – Charity of Non-Jews – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Review of the Torah so far. The nations of the world are influenced by astrology.
03:46 – PARAGRAPH 3. Hashgocha – Divine Providence – originates from beyond time. Malachim – angels – are an aspect of HaTeva (nature).
07:49 – PARAGRAPH 4.
12:54 – PARAGRAPH 5. The spiritual cause of earthquakes.
*20:28 – PARAGRAPH 6. Why a person sheds tears at a time of suffering. Hashgocha and vision are drawn to a person through tears. “Tears are packages of hasgocha and packages of vision.” The highest level of Tefilah – prayer – is with tears.
24:00 – Reference to Likutey Moharan 65 – closing one’s eyes extends spiritual vision.
26:30 – PARAGRAPH 7. Chizkiyahu Melech Yehuda and Yishaya HaNavi.
27:41 – The tears of Dovid HaMelech when he parted from his friend Yehonasan . The sin of the Meraglim – spies.
31:18 – The mistake of the Meraglim is repaired with tears shed for the Beis HaMikdash.
33:36 – Q&R about Avraham Avinu being taken to a place above nature.
37:29 – Practical application of the teaching: knowing there’s an end to suffering helps a person endure.
38:57 – TORAH 251 – PARAGRAPH 1. The effects of charity given by the nations.
40:48 – Charity given bad people empowers heresy.
42:03 – PARAGRAPH 2. The truth of Torah removes the empowerment of heresy caused by charity given by heretics.
51:22 – PARAGRAPH 3.
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