Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Likutey Moharan 2/ ליקוטי מוהר"ן תנינא

2Likutey Moharan 8 – Para. 6-7 – Binyanim – Structures – New Member of Group Increases Relationships Factorially

2Likutey Moharan 8 – Para. 6-7. Binyanim – Structures – New Member of Group Increases Relationships Factorially. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. (LM2 – Lesson 379.)
00:00 – PARAGRAPH 6. Unity between individuals brings blessing, strength in Tefilah (prayer) and healing. When a person joins a gathering l’Shem Shemayim for a holy purpose, all the members of the gathering benefit. The number of relationships (Binyanim/structures) within such a group is not additive, it’s factorial. If two people interact, there are two Binyanim. If three, the number of Binyanim is 6 (3 times 2). If four people interact, the number of relationship is 24 (4 times 3 times 2).
19:32 – PARAGRAPH 7.

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