Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

LH3-15-Chanukah/ הלכות חנוכה

OC3 – Lesson 208 – Chanukah 1 – 2 – Para. 1-3

Chanukah 1 – 2 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Introduction and Halacha 1, based on Likutey Moharan 25. Breaking free of illusions through tzadaka (charity).
19:18 – Halacha 2, based on Likutey Moharan 8. Introduction.
26:54 – PARAGRAPH 1. Chanukah and Parshas VaYishlach.
33:22 – Where are the Chanukah lights lit? Of what significance is the location of the menorah? Why is it positioned with reference to the entrance of our home?
43:43 – Halakha 2, Para. 3. What was the miracle of Chanuka? What, exactly, were the Greeks aiming to destroy? What is the role of the once and future cohen gadol?
47:30 – Name of Hashem: beis yud tess, tefila for Tikun HaBris, gematria atbash of beis yud tess is shemen.
56:00 – Unification of Hashem’s Names – what does it mean? Interweaving Shem Havaya with Shem Adnus.

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