Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

Archive: October 2023

Turning Negatives Into Positives - Breslov Basics 10

Turning Negatives Into Positives – Breslov Basics 10

Posted on October 8, 2023

Breslov Basics 10 Turning Negatives Into Positives – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

Israel - Land, Tribes, Future

Eretz Yisrael – Land, Tribes, Future – Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal – Breslov Basics 9

Posted on October 8, 2023

Breslov Basics – Eretz Yisrael – Land, Tribes, Future – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. When Moshiach is revealed, every Jew will inherit an equal portion of Eretz Yisrael. Text: Bava Batra 122.

Having Faith in Yourself - Breslov Basics 8

Honesty Leads to Faith – Breslov Basics 8

Posted on October 8, 2023

Honesty leads to faith – Breslov Basics 8 – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

A Broken Heart Can Heal Depression – Breslov Basics 7

Posted on October 8, 2023

Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

Kislev - Month to Rectify Sleep

Kislev is the Month to Rectify Sleep – Breslov Basics 6

Posted on October 8, 2023

Using sleep wisely empowers the soul. The Bnei Yissa’char (based on Sefer Yetzirah 5:9) brings that the month of Kislev is a favorable time to improve the spiritual and physical aspects of our “down time”. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

Breslov Basics 5 - Why Do I Need a Tzaddik

What Do I Need a Tzaddik For? – Breslov Basics 5

Posted on October 8, 2023

Source Text: Likutey Halakhos, Even HaEzer, Gitin 3, Para. 25-27. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. Listen to the entire shiur HERE.

An Upside-Down World - Breslov Basics 4

An Upside-Down World – Breslov Basics 4

Posted on October 8, 2023

Parshas Chayei Sarah. Don’t let appearances fool you. Insights from the life of Sarah Imeinu based on Bava Basra 10b and the Zohar HaKodesh. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. The entire indexed shiur is HERE.

Every Good Thought Counts - Breslov Basics 3

Every Good Thought Counts – Breslov Basics 3

Posted on October 8, 2023

Breslov Basics 3 – Every Good Thought Counts – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon. HaShem even gives us credit for just wishing we could do better.

You Are Not Alone - Breslov Basics 2

You Are Not Alone – Breslov Basics 2

Posted on October 8, 2023

Breslov Basics 2 – You Are Not Alone – “A difficulty shared is halved.” וכמאמר החכם – צערת רבים חצי נחמה Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.

Breslov Basics 01 - The First Step

The First Step – Breslov Basics 1

Posted on October 8, 2023

In troubled times, reaching out to Hashem is not a “last resort” – it’s the first step. Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.