Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

VaEira 5776 – Arba Loshonos Shel Geulah – The Four Expressions of Redemption – Why Ten Plagues? (Entire Shiur)

VaEira 5776 – Arba Loshonos Shel Geulah – The Four Expressions of Redemption – Why Ten Plagues? Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – “HaShem spoke to Moshe Rabbeinu saying ‘I am HaShem‘,” using two different names of HaShem, one for midos harachamim (kindness), one for midos hadin (judgment).
Rav Nosson ז”ל writes in Likutey Halakhos: “If we would listen to the true tzaddikim and believe that everything HaShem does is for the good… we would have the final, complete redemption.”
04:00 – Dasan and Aviram.
08:00 – Controversy and opposition can confuse even the most intelligent person and might cause him to falter. Thanking HaShem for what might seem negative is an antidote to losing heart and will lead to the Geulah Sheleyma.
10:45 – Arba Loshonos Shel Geulah (the four expressions of redemption). Pesach Haggadah. Midrash Yalkut HaReuveni – ילקוט ראובני הגדול – Katzar Ruach (impatience and false humility) interferes with faith in tzaddikim. Katnus deMochin – shortsightedness.
14:53 – At the end of Sotah we hear what the world will be like shortly before the coming of Moshiach. Things will get worse and worse and no one but HaShem will be able to save us. Rav Avrham b’Reb Nachman Tulchiner offers a message of profound hope, explaining that the five levels of worsening troubles described in the gemara show the dynamic ability of HaShem to pull us out of the even the worst situations. Therefore, when we see things getting darker and darker, we should know we’re getting closer to the light of the final redemption.
*21:20 – Why ten plagues? Why didn’t HaShem destroy the enemy right away? The message for us today: the gradual process of Yetziyas Mitzrayim through the makos elevated Bnei Yisrael gradually to new levels of yira – awe and respect for HaShem.
27:00 – All the frightening things going on now, in our times, are designed to bring us to new levels of appreciation for HaShem’s power and His love for us. The main thing for us to do is to keep begging HaShem for protection and aitza tova (good counsel).

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