Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon


Purim – Likutey Moharan 10 – Para. 1-4a – Dancing, Clapping Hands – Walls of Yerushalayim

Purim – Likutey Moharan 10 – Dancing, Clapping Hands – Walls of Yerushalayim – Speaker: Rabbi Nasan Maimon.
00:00 – Introduction. The teachings of the Likutey Moharan are not separate entities; they inform and flow into one another. PARAGRAPH 1. “Harsh decrees against the People of Israel can be mitigated through dancing and clapping hands.”
09:36 – PARAGRAPH 3. Avraham Aveinu called the Presence of HaShem a Har (mountain). Yitzchak called it a Sadeh (field). Yaakov called it a Bayis (house).   כי ביתי בית תפלה יקרא לכל העמים (ישעיהו נ”ו)    “For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all the nations.” (Yishayahu 56:7)
15:42 – Macheneh (encampment) is an aspect of how the Beis HaMikdash in Yerushalayim protects Israel. Shlomo HaMelech knew how to build each wall of the Holy Temple with respect to the machaneh which is begematria 103. First wall: machaneh of kedusha. Second wall: Har of Avraham Aveinu, twice machaneh. Third wall: Sadeh of Yitzchak Aveinu is three times machaneh. Fourth wall: Bayis of Yaakov Aveinu is four times machaneh. And the roof is in the merit of Moshe Rabbeinu, the number of his tefilos alluded to in the word VaEeschanan is begematria 515, which is five times machaneh.
21:02 – When HaShem is praised by lowly people, He is exalted the most.
*26:48 – PARAGRAPH 4. Elevating tefilah to the level that its visible and accessible even to non-Jews is only achieved through the tzaddikim of the generation. “When someone has a person in their family who is ill, they should turn to a chakham (wise man) to pray for them.” (Bava Basra 116a)  מי שיש לו חולה בתוך ביתו, ילך אצל חכם ויבקש עליו רחמים: (בבא בתרא קטז)

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