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Likutey Moharan 49 – Why a Kalleh Sends Her Chasan a Tallis – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Recorded in 1960.)
PARAGRAPH 7b. To draw kedushah – holiness – into Malkhus – sovereignty – a person needs to join the Upper House (Binah/flour) with the Lower House (Malkhus/oil).
PARAGRAPH 8. The tzaddik is compared to the sun.
PARAGRAPH 9. Why the kallah (bride) sends the chasan (groom) a tallis (prayer shawl).
PARAGRAPH 10. Why money is distributed when the word “Shabbos” is shouted at a wedding celebration.
PARAGRAPH 11. How the letter dalet (alluding to poverty) is transformed into the letter hey (a vessel for blessing) through the addition of a yod (chokhma/wisdom).
PARAGRAPH 12. “One who wants to pour a wine libation on the altar should fill the throats of Torah scholars with wine” (Yoma 71a).
PARAGRAPH 13. After a person merits teshuvah (return to HaShem through observance of His Torah), he needs great enthusiasm to compensate for whatever took place before his return.
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