Official Site of Rabbi Nasan Maimon

R' Rosenfeld - Likutey Moharan 1/ לקוטי מוהר"ן - ר' רוזנפלד ז"ל

R’ Rosenfeld – Likutey Moharan 80 – Mochin deKatnus – Mochin deGadlus – Peace is the Unification of Opposites – Yosef HaTzaddik – Kiddush HaShem

Likutey Moharan 80 – Mochin deKatnus – Mochin deGadlus – Peace is the Unification of Opposites – Yosef HaTzaddikKiddush HaShem – Speaker: Rabbi Zvi Aryeh Rosenfeld zal. (Recorded in 1960.)

00:00 – PARAGRAPH 1. Yosef HaTzaddik was an example of peace that results from the unification of opposites: chessed and din. He was “old in wisdom and young in years”.
04:00 – Mochin deGadlus and Mochin deKatnus – Expanded and Constricted Consciousness.
04:58 – PARAGRAPH 2. Kiddush HaShem – Sanctification of the Name of HaShem.
11:31 – PARAGRAPH 3. Peace is the vessel through which all blessing comes to Israel.
15:11 – PARAGRAPH 4.
17:33 – וּשְׁאַבְתֶּם־מַ֖יִם בְּשָׂשׂ֑וֹן מִמַּֽעַיְנֵ֖י הַיְשׁוּעָֽה – “And you shall draw water with joy from the fountains of the salvation” (Yeshaya 12:3).
18:37 – PARAGRAPH 5.
24:40 – PARAGRAPH 6.

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